Classroom-Based Set Up

Consideration of the physical environment is important to the accomplishment of the specific objectives for the adult learning experience.

To review the adult learning principles, click on the link to the powerpoint which describes them.

An off site training in a natural setting may be appropriate for an adult learning experience that is informal and requires lots of interaction between participants. An off site training space may minimize interruptions to the learning and provides for thinking, planning or reflection by the participants.


A more formal off site training location may be appropriate for more structured training which requires adults to be uninterrupted by job tasks or phone calls. The hotel or leased meeting room can usually be set to the designer's specifications so that it assures a positive learning context. The disadvantage may be the higher cost for this kind of space.


Training sessions at the job site have the advantage of being economical as well as eliminating the need for travel by the adult learners. When access to classrooms, students, curriculum or instructional materials is a part of the design, the school site may be the best choice for a location. The work site always has the down side of allowing interruptions to the learning, and participants may have difficulty separating themselves mentally from the daily tasks of their jobs.

Skim the Adult Learning Set Up Chart along with the illustrated examples that are provided for your information.

Think about the setting that will be conducive to accomplishing the specific objectives for your design project.  

Do any of the suggested set up arrangements have benefits for your adult learners?

In Module 3 you learned about trainer notes. In preparing the trainer notes, you will want to outline all audio visual equipment needed for a successful learning experience as well as the materials and resources that will be required. Consider which of the following may be needed to carry out the design:

  • Overhead Projector and Screen

  • Video Projector or LCD panel

  • VCR and Monitor

  • Chart Pads, Markers, Tape

  • Electrical Outlets and Cords

  • Chalk or White board

  • Podium and stationary microphone(s)

  • Sound System with portable microphone(s)

  • Other?

Packaging the Adult Learning Activity

Organizing and packaging the learning materials for the adult learners is part of the designer's role. The designer may have created participant materials including hard copy of specific objectives and agenda, handouts related to content or activities, reference materials, a bibliography or reading list.

Tips to consider when determining what to include in the package include:

  • Consider your audience and the kinds of materials that will appeal to participants' learning styles.
  • Decide what materials will be included and used as learning tools during the classroom training or as part of a blended approach.
  • Determine what reference materials may be useful to the learners after the training ends for further learning.

A list of packaging points (pdf) is provided for the designer to review. Each design product may not contain all of these possible options. Skim the list to consider which may need to be part of the package for your final design product.

Browse through at least three available training notebooks or commercially produced training products and find some ideas for packaging that might work for your design project. You may find these kinds of training materials available in your department or professional library. The Broward County Schools HRD Department's Myron Ashmore Media Center will also provide you with sample training materials to preview.

Contact information:
Ashmore Media Center Telephone 954-382-6251 or

Be prepared to report on some examples you found at the second study group meeting. Create a list of packaging points found in the materials you reviewed that you would like to include in your own design product and explain your rationale.

For blended adult learning products, you may need to locate special packaging materials that can be used.  Examples might include: participant manuals with space for videotapes, or packaging for CD-ROMs such as jewel cases.

Wrap Up

on completing the web-based portion of this course. At the second study group session you will discuss your assignments and turn in your completed design product for review by your colleagues and your learning facilitator.