“Successful attack of a detachment of the Federal forces, under General Stevens, supported by four gunboats of the fleet, on the Confederate fortifications on and near Port Royal Ferry, January 1st, 1862, landing of the Federal troops on the mainland. The command of this expedition, which was to destroy three batteries erected upon the mainland by the Confederates, before they became too powerful, was given to Brigadier General Isaac J. Stevens, an officer admirably qualified for the position. His staff was composed of Assistant Adjutant General Stevens, Assistant Quartermaster General Lilley, Assistant Commissary General Warfield and Surgeon Kremble. The regiments were: the Roundheads of Pennsylvania, Colonel Lesure; the Fifteenth Pennsylvania, Colonel Christo; Eighth Michgan, Colonel Fenton; Seventy-ninth New York, Colonel Morrison; Forty-seventh New York, Colonel Fraser; and his Forty-eighth New York Volunteers, Colonel Perry. The troops were to be supported and covered by the Gunboats Pembina, Captain Bankhead; Seneca, Captain Ammon; the Ottawa, Captain Stevens, and the Ellen, Captain Budd. These were under the command of Captain Raymond Rogers, of the Flagship Wabash, who embarked on board the Ottawa. The troops were marched from Beaufort during the 31st of December to the north of Brick Yard Creek, the narrowest part of Beaufort, on Port Poyal River, and joining Coosaw River. Here they found flats, barges and boats for their transportation. Early on New Year’s morning they crossed, having then five miles to march before they reached Port Royal Ferry.” —Leslie, 1896
Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)
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