“General Asboth and staff at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6th-8th, 1862. The gallantry displayed by General Asboth in the victory of Pea Ridge gives great interest to the spirited sketch of himself and staff which we present to our readers. Among the officers in the sketch were Acting Brigadier General Albert, Brigade Quartermaster McKay, the young commander of the Fremont Hussars, Major George E. Waring, Jr., from New York city, formerly major of the Garibaldi Guards, and the general’s aids-de-camp, Gillen and Kroll, etc. Among General Asboth’s most constant attendants was his favorite dog, York, a splendid speciment of the St. Bernard species.” —Leslie, 1896
Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)
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