General Christopher C. Augur
“General Augur, born in New York in 1821, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1843. During the Mexican War he served as aid-de-camp to General Hopping, and after his death to General Caleb Cushing. He was promoted captain, August 1st, 1852, and served with distinction in a campaign against the Indians in Oregon in 1856. On May 14th, 1861, he was appointed major in the Thirteenth Infantry, and was for a time commandant of cadets at West Point. In November of that year he was commissioned a brigadier general of volunteers, and joined McDowell’s corps. In July, 1862, he was assigned to a division under Banks, and in the battle of Cedar Mountain was severely wounded. He was promoted major general of volunteers, August 9th, 1862, and in November joined his corps and took part in the Louisiana campaign. He was breveted brigadier-general in the United States Army, March 13th, 1865, receiving on the same date the brevet of major-general for services in the field during the rebellion.” —Leslie, 1896
Famous People: ASource
Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)
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