Advance upon Charleston

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“The advance upon Charleston, S. C.- pioneer movement- landing of the One Hundredth New York Volunteers upon Cole’s Island, March 28th, 1863. On the morning of the 28th of March, 1863, the One Hundredth New York Volunteers, Colonel G. B. Danby, landed on Cole’s Island, at the foot of James Island, nine miles from Charleston. This regiment was part of the Eighteenth Army Corps, and may be considered the pioneer of the grand expedition against Charleston. A reconnoissance of the island disclosed a Confederate battery near the end of the causeway that leads from Cole’s Island to James Island, and also evidences of numerous concealed works on Folly and James Islands, where the Confederates had gathered a very large force. We will briefly describe the topography of this scene of action. John’s Island is to the southwest of James Island, and may be said to include Seabrook and Cole’s Island, which are only separated from it by a sort of marshy bayou, which at times is almost emptied of water."— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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