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“Five locomotives built at Vicksburg, Miss., by the Federal soldiers, under the superintendence of Colonel Collbaugh, of General McPherson’s staff. Our special artist transmitting this sketch wrote: ‘I herein inclose a sketch of five locomotives just completed here, being the result of the mechanical ingenuity displayed by the men in this department. General Grant, in one of his reports during the siege, remarked that there was no department of mechanical labor required to be performed but that men were always on hand well skilled in the business. The completion of these fine specimens of workmanship affords ample proof of the truth of his remark. On entering the city, last July, we found the debris of a machine shop and some scattered fragments of locomotives. Out of these our men have created a good workshop, with all the necessary machinery for casting car wheels, etc., and the result stands forth in these engines, of which our Rogers & Baldwins might well be proud.’"— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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