Federal Prisoners

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“Federal cavalry covering the escape of Federal prisoners from Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. The feeling of sympathy for the unfortunate Federal officers and men who so long suffered outrage at the hands of the Confederates gave way to a momentary feeling of joy as news came of the escape, at one time, of one hundred and nine officers and men. From time to time a few had escaped, and the narrative of their escapes had been among the most intensely exciting incidents of the war. But when more than a hundred contrived to get out of the Southern dungeon the interest knew no bounds. The method employed was as follows: Having managed to find access to the cellar, they commenced work, relieving one another as opportunity offered. Their instruments were case knives, pocket knives, chisels and files. After getting through the wall they disposed of the excavated soil by drawing it out in a spittoon, which they attached to a cord. This would be filled by the party at work in the tunnel, and pulled out into the cellar by their companions, who disposed of it by spreading it in shallow layers over the floor, concealing it beneath the straw. The tunnel, completed by fifty-one days of patient toil, was about sixty feet long, and opened into an old tobacco shed beyond the line of guards. In order to elude their pursuers, who they knew would soon be on their track, they scattered as much as possible. Many were their hardships and sufferings, and frequent were their narrow escapes from the Confederate cavalry, who the next morning were bushwhacking in every direction for them. The joy which Colonel Streight and four comrades, the pioneers of the band, experienced when they first caught sight of the Federals, sent out to help them and protect them from their pursuers, cannot be expressed."— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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