Entering Clinton

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“General McPherson entering Clinton, Miss. To facilitate the movements of the Federal armies near Chattanooga and divert the Confederate forces from hastening to the relief of Bragg. General McPherson marched from Vicksburg on the 15th of October, 1863. On the 17th he came up with the enemy in a strong position on the Canton Road, ten miles beyond Brownsville, and after a short, sharp fight, routed them, the Federals charging gallantly over the bridge and through the tall grass and corn to the enemy’s line. The next day he entered Clinton, on the Vicksburg and Jackson Railroad. His gallant troops broke the Sabbath stillness of the place as they marched in, and the Confederates scattered on all sides in flight. General McPherson then proceeded to Canton, and finally returned to Vicksburg after destroying Confederate mills and factories, and alarming all the neighboring stations."— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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