“The battle of Newberne- final and successful charge of the Federal troops under General Burnside, on the Confederate fortifications, their capture, and utter rout of the Confederate army, March 14th, 1862. Great courage, steadiness and military capacity was shown by the men who fought under Burnside in the attack on Newberne. Landing under the greatest disadvantages, in fog and rain, which deprived them of anticipated naval assistance, and after a night of greatest exposure and a weary march they were called on to encounter a superior force, strongly posted in an advantageous position, behind works equally extensive and formidable. They, nevertheless, although but imperfectly supported by artillery, carried every Confederate position, swept the enemy before them with the bayonet, captured every fortification, defended by an aggregate of the sixty-four guns, and swooped down irresistibly on the city of Newberne, the object of their assault."— Frank Leslie, 1896
Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)
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