“General Hatch, born in Bangor, Me., December 22nd, 1832. In April, 1861, he was a member of the District of Columbia Volunteers, who were enlisted to defend the national capital, and subsequently had charge of the camp of instruction at Davenport, La. He was commissioned captain in the Second Iowa Cavalry August 12th, 1861; major, September 5th, and lieutenant colonel, December 11th, the same year. He commanded his regiment at New Madrid, Island No. 10, the battle of Corinth, the raid of Booneville and the battle of Iuka. He was promoted colonel, June 13th, 1862, and commanded a brigade of cavalry in General Grant’s Mississippi campaign. He was afterward placed at the head of the cavalry division of the Army of the Tennessee and was present at the various engagements in which it took part. He was disabled by wounds in December, 1863, and on April 27th, 1864, was made brigadier general. Under General A. J. Smith, and still in command of a cavalry division, he was engaged in the battles of Franklin (for bravery in which he was brevetted brigadier general in the regular service) and Nashville, and in the pursuit of Hood’s Confederate Army. For gallantry at Nashville he was, in 1864, brevetted major general of volunteers, and three years later promoted to the same rank by brevet in the United States Army. On January 15th, 1866, he was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service, and on July 6th following he was promoted colonel of the Ninth United States Cavalry."— Frank Leslie, 1896
Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)
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