“Toga, a gown, the name of the principal outer garment worn by the romans, seems to have been received by them from the Etruscans. The toga was the peculiar distinction of the Romans, who were thence called togats or gens togata. It was originally worn only in Rome itself, and the use of it was forbidden alike to exiles and to foreigners. Gradually, however, it went out of common use, and was supplanted by the pallium and lacerna, or else it was worn in public under the lacerna. But it was still used by the upper classes, who regarded it as an honourable distinction, in the courts of justice, by clients when they received the Sportula, and in the theatre or at the games, at least when the emperor was present.” &mdash Smith; 1873
Roman EmpireSource
William Smith, A School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1873) 325
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