Eleazar Attacks the Elephant

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“And Eleazar the son of Saura saw one of the beasts harnessed with the king’s harness: and it was higher than the other beasts: and it seemed to him that the king was on it: And he exposed himself to deliver his people and to get himself an everlasting name. And he ran up to it boldly in the midst of the legion, killing on the right hand, and on the left, and they fell by him on this side and that side. And he went between the feet of the elephant, and put himself under it: and slew it, and it fell to the ground upon him, and he died there. Then they seeing the strength of the king and the fierceness of his army, turned away from them.” 1 Maccabees 6:43-47 DRA

Eleazar attacks an elephant he assumes to be carrying the king. The elephant falls and kills Eleazar.


Martin Luther, translator Volks-Bilderbibel oder die ganze heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments, nach der Ueberseßung Dr. Martin Luther's (Leipzig, Germany: Baumgärtners Buchhandlung, 1853) 918


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