The Holy Spirit Descends on the Apostles and Disciples

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“And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder, like as of fire; and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:2-4 ASV

Illustration of the disciples and apostles gathered in a room as tiny flames descend on their heads. A glowing dove descends from the center of the room. The disciples and Mary are identifiable by the halos behind their heads.


Right Rev. Richard Gilmour, D.D. Bible History: Containing the Most Remarkable Events of the Old and New Testaments, with a Compendium of Church History (New York, NEW YORK (NY): Benziger Brothers, 1904) 227


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