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1. Temporal Artery 2. Artery behind the ear 3. Occipital Artery 4. Greater occipital nerve 5. Smaller ocipital nerve 6. Nerve of the neck 7. Trapezius muscle 8. Clavicular nerve 9. Clavicle 10. Sterno-0cleido-mastoid muscle 11.Outer artery of the head 12. Inner artery of the head 13. Salivary gland 14. Nerves of the lower jaw 15. Outer maxillary artery 16. Nerve of the chin 17. Circular muscle of th emouth 18. Greater yoke muscle 19. Nerves below the eye 20. Masseter or chewing muscle 21. Ear passage 22. Arteries of the forehead 23. Nerves of the forehead 24. Eye closing muscle 25.Facial Artery 26. Facial nerve


L. Brent Vaughan, Hill's Practical Reference Library of General Knowledge (New York: Dixon, Hanson & Company, 1906)


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