Pacinian Corpuscle of a Cat
The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic nerves, especially the cutaneous nerves of the hands and feet; and on branches of the large sympathetic plexus about the abdominal aorta. Shown is a Pacinian corpuscle of the cat’s mesentery. The stalk consist of a nerve fiber (N) wit its think outer sheath. The peripheral capsules of the Pacinian corpuscle are narrower near the entrance of the axis cylinder into the clear central mass. A hook-shaped termination with the end bulb; it possesses a sheath which is the continuation of the peripheral capsules of the Pacinian corpuscle.
Cellular BiologySource
Baker, W. Morrant & Harris, Vincent Dormer Kirkes' Hand-book of Physiology, 13th ed. (Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1892) 106
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