Horizontal Section of the Hand

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Horizontal section of the hand through the middle of the thenar and hypothenar eminences. Labels: a, metacarpal bone; b, first dorsal interosseous; c, palmaris brevis; d, abductor quinti digiti; e, flexor brevis min. dig.; f, opponens min. dig.; g, flexor brevis poll.; h, abductor brevis poll.; i, opponens poll.; j, adductor poll.; k, flexor long. poll.; l, dorsal interossei; m, palmar interossei; n, flexor sublimis; o, flexor profundus; p, superfic. volae; q, median nerve, and (on inner side) ulnar artery nerve; r, deep volar arch; 1, palmar fascia; 2, outer septum; 3, inner septum; 4, deep fascia of palm.




Treves, Frederick Surgical Applied Anatomy (New York, NY: Cassell and Company, LTD, 1922)


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