Edward II of England

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Edward II, (April 25, 1284 – September 21, 1327) of Caernarfon, was King of England from 1307 until he was deposed in January 1327. His tendency to ignore his nobility in favour of low-born favourites led to constant political unrest and his eventual deposition. Edward is perhaps best remembered for his supposed murder and his alleged homosexuality as well as being the first monarch to establish colleges in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge; he founded Cambridge’s King’s Hall in 1317 and gave Oxford’s Oriel College its royal charter in 1326. Both colleges received the favour of Edward’s son, Edward III, who confirmed Oriel’s charter in 1327 and refounded King’s Hall in 1337


James Hunter Young People's History of the World (Chicago, IL: The International Publishing Company, 1897)


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