Marinus Willett

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Marinus Willett (July 31, 1740 – August 22, 1830) was an American soldier and political leader from New York. He was characterized by historian Mark M. Boatner as “one of the truly outstanding American leaders of the Revolution.” Marinus Willett served in the militia during the French and Indian War. He received a commission as 2nd lieutenant in a New York regiment under the command of Oliver DeLancey Sr. which took part in General James Abercrombie’s expedition to Fort Ticonderoga in 1758. During the early stages of the American Revolution, Willett became an informal leader of the Sons of Liberty in New York City.


Benson John Lossing, ed. Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (vol. 10) (New York, NY: Harper and Brothers, 1912)


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