Goatherd's Hut

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A goatherd or a goat herder is a person who herds goats for a living. Similar to a shepherd who tends sheep for a living, the drover here herds goats. Shown here is a mountainous hut a typical living space for the goat herder. Selecting a place where large rocks have fallen, the goatherd places trunks of trees across the top, creating a roof. Over this he places boughs of green creating protection for his herd from rain or snow. A trait peculiar to a goat is their ability to foretell the approach of a storm. Herding a goat is much more difficult than herding sheep as, unlike sheep, goats do not have a herding instinct and each goat will tend to stray farther in search of better foliage and grass.


DeColange, Leo The Heart of Europe from the Rhine to the Danube (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, Publishers, 1883)


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