Round Back Primary Low Vowel

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Vowels have a wide, firm, and free channel, whereby the breath is modified without friction or sibilation. … in representing vowels the hand suggests a wide and firm channel, by having the accented finger bent and its terminal phalanx brought firmly in contact with the terminal phalanx of the thumb.

Vowel positions are distinguished by always having the voice phalanx of the thumb accented and in contact with the terminal phalanx of the accented finger. This kind of accent is the strongest which can be given a finger, and so always takes precedence. Two modes of accentuation may not co-exist. Round Vowels differ visibly from normal aperture Vowels by having a contraction of the Lip aperture. This is shown by bringing the terminal phalanges of the thumb and the accented finger together so as to form an outline which is approximately round. Back Vowels have the palm in the posterior position. In Primary Vowel positions the accented voice phalanx of the thumb and the terminal phalanx of the accented finger overlap. None of the unaccented fingers are straightened. Low Vowels have the first or index finger accented.


Round Vowels


Lyon, Edmund The Lyon Phonetic Manual (Rochester, NY: Deaf-Mute Institution, 1891)


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