June Grass
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June grass (Poa prstensis) is also known as Green Meadow grass, Common Spear Grass, Kentucky Blue grass. The lower florets in the June Grass are connected at the base by a web of long silky filaments holding the calyx. The outter palea is five-ribbed with the marginal ribs hairy. The upper sheath is longer than its leaf. June Grass grows from ten to fifteen inches with and erect, smooth, round stem. The root is perennial and creeping. The plants grows a light greenish color while the spikelets are brownsh purple.
grasses, grass, kgrasses, june grass, Green Meadow grass, Common Spear Grass, Kentucky Blue grass, Poa prstensisGalleries
Grasses and GrainsSource
Flint, Charles L. Grasses and Forage Plants (Boston, MA: William F. Gill & Company, 1874)
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