Wild Oat Grass
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Wild Oat Grass (Danthonia spicata), also referred to as White Top grass, and Old Fog grass, is common in dry, sunny pastures, with a stem one foot high, slender with short leaves. Narrow sheaths, bearded. The panicle is simple and there are seven flowered spikelets. The lower palea broadly ovate, loosely hairy on the back, longer than its awl-shaped teeth. Perennial and flowers in June. Shown is the lower pale.
grasses, grass, kgrasses, wild oat grass, wild oat grasses, Danthonia spicata, White top grass, Fog grassGalleries
Grasses and GrainsSource
Flint, Charles L. Grasses and Forage Plants (Boston, MA: William F. Gill & Company, 1874)
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