Photographic Negative Treatment

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In photography, a negative may refer to three different things, although they are all related. A negative comes in long narrow strips of chemical-coated plastic. When the film is developed it is a long strip of small negative images. A negative image is a tonal inversion of a positive image, in which light areas appear dark and vice versa. A negative color image is additionally color reversed, with red areas appearing cyan, greens appearing magenta and blues appearing yellow. In negative film, Many photographic processes create negative images: the chemicals involved react when exposed to light, and during developing these exposed chemicals are retained and become opaque while the unexposed chemicals are washed away.


Government Printing Office The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1895)


TIFF (full resolution)

2400×1776, 659.8 KiB

Large GIF

1024×757, 99.0 KiB

Medium GIF

640×473, 51.1 KiB

Small GIF

320×236, 17.4 KiB