Battle of Pittsburg Landing

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Recapture of artillery by the First Ohio and other regiments under General Rousseau, April 7, 1862. The flight of the 53rd and 57th Ohio Regiments left Waterhouse’s battery, which was planted on a hill to the left of Shiloh Chapel, unprotected; but the 43rd and 49th Illinois Regiments came to his aid, and supported it until Colonel Wreish of the 43rd was killed, when they fell back in tolerable order. The Confederates now charged and took Waterhouse’s battery, thus flanking General Sherman, who fell back to the Purdy Road in good order. Here the sudden death of Captain Behr, who was getting his battery in position on the left wing of the new line, created a panic in his company, which broke and left five guns. Not being supported by any other division, General Sherman was forced back to the right of McClernand, where he again formed and shared the fortunes of the day.


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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