Atalanta being distracted to pick up one of three golden apples dropped by Melanion, her suitor during a foot race, the prize being her hand in marriage.

Atalanta's Race

Atalanta being distracted to pick up one of three golden apples dropped by Melanion, her suitor during…

"Lively, pert and cunning, it is the true gamin of the winged race. They are very sociable, seeking their food and building their nests near each other."

Hedge Sparrows (Sylvia Curruca and Sylvia Rufa)

"Lively, pert and cunning, it is the true gamin of the winged race. They are very sociable, seeking…

The America's Cup is the most prestigious race in the sport of sailing and the oldest active trophy in international sport.

America's Cup

The America's Cup is the most prestigious race in the sport of sailing and the oldest active trophy…

An illustration of The New York City Normal College which is now known as Hunter College of the City University of new York which is a senior college of the City University of New York. The college was founded in 1870 by Irish immigrant and social reformer Thomas Hunter as a teacher-training school for young woman. The school, which was housed in an armory and saddle store at Broadway and East Fourth Street in Manhattan, was open to all qualified women, irrespective of race, religion or ethnic background, which was incongruent to the prevailing admission practices of other schools during this era. Created by the New York State Legislature, Hunter was deemed the only approved institution for those seeking to teach in New York City during this time. The school incorporated an elementary and high school for gifted children, where students practiced teaching.

The New York City Normal College

An illustration of The New York City Normal College which is now known as Hunter College of the City…

A soldier running while carrying his rifle.

Soldier Running

A soldier running while carrying his rifle.

Racial issues during the 1870's in the United States and where to move.

Racial Issues in the 1870's

Racial issues during the 1870's in the United States and where to move.

A page border made out of a road with cars zooming around.

Car Border

A page border made out of a road with cars zooming around.

"Picus scalaris nutalli. Nuttall's Woodpecker. Similar; rather larger' more white, this prevailing on the back over the black bars; nape chiefly white; nasal tufts white; lateral tail-feathers, especially, sparsely or imperfectly barred. The Californian coast race, differing decidedly in some respects, and constantly; but connected with general series of ladder-backs. Barring restricted to the back proper, the hind neck being black, succeeded anteriorly by a white space adjoining the red, wanting in scalaris, where red joins black. Red chiefly confined to the occiput, the rest of the crown black, spotted with white. Lateral tail-feathers white, not barred throughout, having not 1-3 black bars, all beyond their middles, all but the terminal one of these broken. White postocular stripe running into the white nuchal area, but cut off from the white of the shoulders. White maxillary stripe enclosed in black as in scalaris, but this black continuous with the cervical black patch, which is not the case in scalaris. No Smoky-brown state of the under parts observed." Elliot Coues, 1884

Nuttall's Woodpecker

"Picus scalaris nutalli. Nuttall's Woodpecker. Similar; rather larger' more white, this prevailing on…

An illustration of four fleas competing in a hurdle-race. The flea in first place is crawling under a hurdle and grabbing a flag.

Flea Race

An illustration of four fleas competing in a hurdle-race. The flea in first place is crawling under…

Clisthenes, also known as the Father of Athenian democracy, is depicted competing in a chariot race in the Olympic games.

Clisthenes in the Olympic Games

Clisthenes, also known as the Father of Athenian democracy, is depicted competing in a chariot race…

A famous racehorse used in the mid-19th century.

Flora Temple

A famous racehorse used in the mid-19th century.

Illustrated is a single flowered <I>Begonia tuberhybrida</I>. It is the garden race of tuberous begonias.

Begonia Tuberhybrida

Illustrated is a single flowered Begonia tuberhybrida. It is the garden race of tuberous begonias.

This illustration shows a section of a tooth of a typical Labyrinthodont. Labyrinthodont, or Stegocephali is a race of extinct amphibians, the remains of which are found in the Permian, Carboniferous, and Triassic strata. Many of them were giants compared with our modern amphibians, from which they differed markedly in possessing an armature of bony plates in various degrees of completeness. In general habit, they resembled the newt or salamander. The name Labyrinthodont refers to the mazy pattern exhibited on a transverse section of the teeth of some genera. Among the best known genera are Archegosaurus, Loxomma, and Mastodonsaurus.

Section of Tooth of Typical Labyrinthodont

This illustration shows a section of a tooth of a typical Labyrinthodont. Labyrinthodont, or Stegocephali…

A Roman foot-race.


A Roman foot-race.

A medal from Cyrene, showing their passion for chariot races.

Medal of Cyrene

A medal from Cyrene, showing their passion for chariot races.