"Spermatozoa of domestic cock, greatly magnified." The spermatozoam or seminal animalcules, or male Dynamamaebae (figs. 106, 107), are the exact counterparts of ovarian ova, in so far as they are single-celled animals of a very low grade of organization; but their activity and intelligence is marvelousm and still more so is the mysterious attribute with which they are endowed of assimilating their protoplasmic substance with that of the ovum; with the result that thus fecundated ovum is capable of procreating itself by fission for a period until a mass of similar creates in engendered; from which mass is then speedily evolved the complex body the bird." Elliot Coues, 1884

Rooster Seman

"Spermatozoa of domestic cock, greatly magnified." The spermatozoam or seminal animalcules, or male…

"Spermatozoa of domestic cock, greatly magnified." The spermatozoam or seminal animalcules, or male Dynamamaebae (figs. 106, 107), are the exact counterparts of ovarian ova, in so far as they are single-celled animals of a very low grade of organization; but their activity and intelligence is marvelousm and still more so is the mysterious attribute with which they are endowed of assimilating their protoplasmic substance with that of the ovum; with the result that thus fecundated ovum is capable of procreating itself by fission for a period until a mass of similar creates in engendered; from which mass is then speedily evolved the complex body the bird." Elliot Coues, 1884

Sparrow Seman

"Spermatozoa of domestic cock, greatly magnified." The spermatozoam or seminal animalcules, or male…

"Female organs of domestic fowl, in activity; from Owen, after Carus. a, b, c, d, mass of ovarian ova, in all stages of development; b, a ripe one; c, its stigma, where the ovisac or calyx ruptures; d, a ruptured empty calyx, to be absorbed; e, infundibulum, or funnel-shaped orifice of the oviduct; f, next portion of oviduct; g, follicular art of oviduct; m, mesometry, membrane steadying the oviduct; the reference line, m, crosses the constricted part or isthmus of the oviduct; these parts secrete the white of the egg; k, shell-forming or uterine part of oviduct, in which is a completed egg, i; l, lowest or vaginal part of oviduct, opening into uro-genital sinus of the cloaca; n, anus." Elliot Coues, 1884

Female Fowl Organs

"Female organs of domestic fowl, in activity; from Owen, after Carus. a, b, c, d, mass of ovarian ova,…

"Meroblastic ovum (yelk) of domestic fowl, bat. size, in section; after haeckel. a, the thin yelk-skin, enclosing the yellowfood-yelk, which is deposited in concentric layers, c, d; b, the cicatricle or tread with its nuclues, whence passes a cord of white yelk (here represented in black) to the central cavity, d'" Elliot Coues, 1884

Fowl Ovum

"Meroblastic ovum (yelk) of domestic fowl, bat. size, in section; after haeckel. a, the thin yelk-skin,…

"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple. but stout for its length, scarcely higher than wide at base, rather obtuse at tip. A small knob or tubercle at the base of the culmen, which is deciduous." Elliot Coues, 1884

Least Auk Adult

"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple. but stout for its length,…

"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple. but stout for its length, scarcely higher than wide at base, rather obtuse at tip." Elliot Coues, 1884

Least Auk Adult

"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple. but stout for its length,…

"Alle. Sea Dove. Size small. Bill very short, stout, and obtuse, as well as high at base, the sides of both mandibles turgid, the edge of the upper much infected; culmen very convex; rictus ample, decurved at end; gonys straight, very short, the mandibular rami correspondingly long, and widely divaricated; nasal fossae short, wide, deep, partly, patly feathered. Nostrils sub basal, more nearly circular than in any other genus excepting the next." Elliot Coues, 1884

Sea Dove Bill

"Alle. Sea Dove. Size small. Bill very short, stout, and obtuse, as well as high at base, the sides…

"Synthliborhamphus antiquus. Nipper-nosed Murrelet. Bill somewhat as in Brachyrhamphus, but stouter and deeper for its length; greatly compressed throughout, its depth at base about half as much as length of culmen; culmen moderately convex, gonys ascending. Nostrils sub-basal, broadly oval or nearly circular; nasal fossae small and shallow, feathered to nostrils." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-throated Murrelet

"Synthliborhamphus antiquus. Nipper-nosed Murrelet. Bill somewhat as in Brachyrhamphus, but stouter…

"Synthliborhamphus umizusume. Japanese Murrelet. Temminck's Auk. Bill more elongate and acute than in the type of the genus, less compressed, not so deep for its length. Bill yellow, with black ridge; feet livid-bluish, with dusky webs. A large crest, of a dozen (more or fewer) feathers springing from extreme forehead, not recurved, but drooping backward over the occiput." Elliot Coues, 1884

Japanese Murrelet Bill

"Synthliborhamphus umizusume. Japanese Murrelet. Temminck's Auk. Bill more elongate and acute than in…

"Uria columba. Pigeon Guillemot. Bill stouter than that of grylle, and more obtuse." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pigeon Guillemot Bill

"Uria columba. Pigeon Guillemot. Bill stouter than that of grylle, and more obtuse." Elliot Coues, 1884

"Bill larger than Pigeon Guillemot, 1.5-1.70 along culmen, along gape 2.20, from feathers on side of lower mandible 1.50; depth at base .50; width .38."

Sooty Guillemot Bill

"Bill larger than Pigeon Guillemot, 1.5-1.70 along culmen, along gape 2.20, from feathers on side of…

"Bill black; bill along culmen 1.75; gape 2.50; gonys 1.15; depth at base .55; width .30." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Guillemot Bill

"Bill black; bill along culmen 1.75; gape 2.50; gonys 1.15; depth at base .55; width .30." Elliot Coues,…

"Bill averaging somewhat longer, about 1.90; culmen, commissure, and gonys nearly straight; upper mandible somewhat dilated toward the base along the cutting edges, and less feathered; gonydeal angle prominent. Bill consequently approaches that of the next species, in width and depth, but exaggerates the length and straightness of that of the last species." Elliot Coues, 1884

Californian Guillemot Bill

"Bill averaging somewhat longer, about 1.90; culmen, commissure, and gonys nearly straight; upper mandible…

"Lomvia arra. Thick-billed Guillemot. Arrie. Bill short, stout, wide, deep; culmen curved throughout; commissure decurved at end; gonys if anything concave in outline, the angle very protuberant; cutting edges of the upper mandible dilated and denuded toward the base, this bare turgid space flesh-colored in life, drying pale yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Thick-billed Guillemot Bill

"Lomvia arra. Thick-billed Guillemot. Arrie. Bill short, stout, wide, deep; culmen curved throughout;…

""Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced. Lateral view, with the bones upside down. a, sternum or breast-bone showing two long slender lateral processes; b, ends of sternal ribs; c, ends of humerous, or upper arm-bone, near the shoulder-joint; d, scapula, or shoulder-blade; e, coracoid; f, merry-thought, or furculum." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Grouse Sternum

""Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced. Lateral view, with the…

"Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced; viewed from below. a, sternum or breast-bone showing two long slender lateral processes; b, ends of sternal ribs; c, ends of humerous, or upper arm-bone, near the shoulder-joint; d, scapula, or shoulder-blade; e, coracoid; f, merry-thought, or furculum." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Grouse Sternum

"Views of sternum and pectoral arch of the ptarmigan, Lagapus albus, reduced; viewed from below. a,…

"Oldest known ornithological treatise, illustrating also the art of lithography in the Jurassic period, engraved by Archaeopteryx Lithographica. From the original slab in the British Museum." Elliot Coues, 1884

Archaeopteryx Lithographica

"Oldest known ornithological treatise, illustrating also the art of lithography in the Jurassic period,…

"Anthus Ludovicianus. Louisiana Pipit. American Titlark. Brown Lark. Wagtail. Bill blackish, pale at base below; feet brown. bill .50; tarsus .90." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Titlark Claw

"Anthus Ludovicianus. Louisiana Pipit. American Titlark. Brown Lark. Wagtail. Bill blackish, pale at…

"Icterus. Orioles. Bill averaging as long as head (more or less); very acute, sometimes decurved." Elliot Coues, 1884

Oriole Bill

"Icterus. Orioles. Bill averaging as long as head (more or less); very acute, sometimes decurved." Elliot…

"North American White Pelican. Bill and feet ordinarily yellow; much reddened in the breeding season, when the general tone of the bill is reddish salmon color, the under mandible brighter than the upper, which has the ridge whitish; pouch passing from livid whitish anteriorly through yellow and orange to red at base. Bill a foot or more." Elliot Coues

Pelican Bill

"North American White Pelican. Bill and feet ordinarily yellow; much reddened in the breeding season,…

This wrist machine features a handle spring fitted to test the wrist tension of any personnel. Machine indicates spring resistance, after a coin is inserted. This spring device has a body constructed to represent the figure of a man.

Coin Operated Spring Testing Wrist Machine

This wrist machine features a handle spring fitted to test the wrist tension of any personnel. Machine…

The representation of an outstretched human arm the hand of which holds a bunch of herbs. Herbs are plants that are valued for flavor, scent, and other qualities, they are used in cooking, medicines, and spiritual purposes.

Human Arm Reaching for Herb Medicine

The representation of an outstretched human arm the hand of which holds a bunch of herbs. Herbs are…

This is a human powered vehicle with four wheels. The most common type of a velocipede today is the bicycle. Railroads in North America often made use of this four wheeled handcar designed to be operated by a single person.

Four Wheeled Railroad Velocipede

This is a human powered vehicle with four wheels. The most common type of a velocipede today is the…

Water tanks are liquid storage containers, these tanks are usually storing water for human consumption. A water tank produces for the storage of drinking water, irrigation agriculture, fire suppression, agricultural farming and livestock, chemical manufacturing, food preparation as well as many other solutions.

Water Tank

Water tanks are liquid storage containers, these tanks are usually storing water for human consumption.…

A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing ,styling, and detangling human hair, or for brushing as domestic animals fur.

Hairbrush Backface

A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing ,styling, and detangling…

A musical instrument is an object constructed or used for the purpose of making the sounds of music. In principle, anything that produces sound can serve as a musical instrument. The history of musical instruments dates back to the beginnings of human culture. The academic study of musical instruments is called organology.

Musical Instrument

A musical instrument is an object constructed or used for the purpose of making the sounds of music.…

A crane is a lifting machine, generally equipped with a winder, wire ropes or chains and sheaves, that can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. It uses one or more simple machines to create mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the normal capability of a human. Cranes are commonly employed in the transport industry for the loading and unloading of freight, in the construction industry for the movement of materials and in the manufacturing industry for the assembling of heavy equipment.

Crane for Lifting Cars

A crane is a lifting machine, generally equipped with a winder, wire ropes or chains and sheaves, that…

A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the hooves of horses and some other draught animals. Like a shoe on a human, it is used to protect the animal's feet from wear and tear. Professional horseshoers, also called farriers or blacksmiths (more commonly used in the UK), attach horseshoes on the pal mar surface of the hoof, usually by nailing through the insensitive hoof wall, which is anatomically similar to the human toenail, though much larger and thicker.


A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the…

Edison invented and developed the carbon microphone used in all telephones along with the Bell receiver until the 1980s. After protracted patent litigation, in 1892 a federal court ruled that Edison and not Emile Berliner—was the inventor of the carbon microphone. The carbon microphone was also used in radio broadcasting and public address work through the 1920s.

Telephone Transmitter Carbon Microphone

Edison invented and developed the carbon microphone used in all telephones along with the Bell receiver…

A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the hooves of horses and some other draught animals. Like a shoe on a human, it is used to protect the animal's feet from wear and tear. Professional horseshoers, also called farriers or blacksmiths, attach horseshoes on the palmar surface of the hoof, usually by nailing through the insensitive hoof wall, which is anatomically similar to the human toenail, though much larger and thicker

Horseshoe Calk

A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the…

A flush toilet is a toilet that disposes of human waste by using water to flush it through a drainpipe to another location. Flushing mechanisms are found more often on western toilets (used in the sitting position), but many squat toilets also are made for automated flushing.

Water Closet Flushing Tank

A flush toilet is a toilet that disposes of human waste by using water to flush it through a drainpipe…

Velocipedes are an umbrella term for any human-powered land vehicle with one or more wheels. The most common type of velocipede today is the bicycle. The term velocipede is today, however, mainly used as a collective term for the different forerunners of the monowheel, the bicycle, the dicycle, the tricycle and the quadcycle that were developed between 1817 and 1880.

Ice Velocipede

Velocipedes are an umbrella term for any human-powered land vehicle with one or more wheels. The most…

A road vehicle like this one is a mechanical means of conveyance, a carriage or transport. Vehicles may be propelled or pulled by engines or animals including humans, for instance, a chariot, a stagecoach, a mule-drawn barge, an ox-cart or rickshaw. However, animals on their own, though used as a means of transport, are not called vehicles, but rather beasts of burden or draft animals. This distinction includes humans carrying another human, for example a child or a disabled person.

Road Vehicle

A road vehicle like this one is a mechanical means of conveyance, a carriage or transport. Vehicles…

Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. Major types of pottery include earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. The places where such wares are made are called potteries. Pottery is one of the oldest human technologies and art-forms, and remains a major industry today. Ceramic art covers the art of pottery, whether in items made for use or purely for decoration.

Plant Holder

Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. Major types of pottery include earthenware, stoneware,…

This pneumatic bicycle saddle was air actuated for height adjustment purposes. A bicycle saddle, often called a seat, is one of three mo points on an upright bicycle, the others being the pedals and the handlebars.Transportation Human-powered

Pneumatic Bicycle Saddle

This pneumatic bicycle saddle was air actuated for height adjustment purposes. A bicycle saddle, often…

This is the fastening for a shoe, A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as an item of decoration in itself.

Shoe Fastener Device

This is the fastening for a shoe, A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human…

A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing, styling, and detangling human hair, or for brushing a domestic animal's fur.

Stripped Brush Back

A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing, styling, and detangling…

A doll is an object that represents a baby or other human being. Dolls have been around since the dawn of human civilization, and have been fashioned from a vast array of materials, ranging from stone, clay, wood, bone, cloth and paper, to porcelain, china, rubber and plastic.

Female Doll Figure

A doll is an object that represents a baby or other human being. Dolls have been around since the dawn…

A bicycle, also known as a bike, push bike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.

Multi Purpose Bicycle

A bicycle, also known as a bike, push bike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track…

A figurine is a statuette that represents a human, deity, or animal. Figurines may be realistic or iconic, depending on the skill and intention of the creator. The earliest were made of stone or clay. Modern versions are made of ceramic, metal, glass, wood and plastic.

Suspended Figurine

A figurine is a statuette that represents a human, deity, or animal. Figurines may be realistic or iconic,…

This bicycle support is a human aid device used to teach an individual how to maintain both confidence and balance when learning how to ride a bike.

Bicycle Support

This bicycle support is a human aid device used to teach an individual how to maintain both confidence…

A clothes hanger is a device in the shape of human shoulders designed to facilitate the hanging of a coat or other similar type of garment in a manner that prevents wrinkles.

Clothes Hanger

A clothes hanger is a device in the shape of human shoulders designed to facilitate the hanging of a…

This early model shoe, is a footwear clothing item evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally as an item of decoration.

Early Model Shoe

This early model shoe, is a footwear clothing item evolved at first to protect the human foot and later,…

A circulatory and nervous system of Sphaerotherium obtusum, a South African millipede.

Diagram of Nerovous and Circulatory System of Sphaerotherium Obtusum Millipede

A circulatory and nervous system of Sphaerotherium obtusum, a South African millipede.

This doll is an object which resembles a human being. Dolls are common toys for both young boys and girls.

Baby Figurine Doll

This doll is an object which resembles a human being. Dolls are common toys for both young boys and…

A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.

Dress Form

A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of…

A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel, usually extending no higher than the ankle.

Dress Shoe

A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel,…

A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel, usually extending no higher than the ankle.

Fastening for Shoe

A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel,…

A housemaid or chambermaid.

House Maid

A housemaid or chambermaid.

A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel, usually extending no higher than the ankle.

Dress Shoe

A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel,…

A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as an item of decoration in itself.

Dress Shoe

A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as…

A thin, human-constructed barrier which separates two pieces of land or a house perimeter

Wire Fence

A thin, human-constructed barrier which separates two pieces of land or a house perimeter

Specialized implements used to cut human head hair. They should not be confused with razors (which usually refer to tools used to cut facial hair or bodily hair) and scissors.

Hair Clipper

Specialized implements used to cut human head hair. They should not be confused with razors (which usually…

Item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as an item of decoration in itself.

Single Shoe

Item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as an item of decoration…

A stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing, styling, and detangling human hair, or for brushing a domestic animal's fur.

Hair Brush

A stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing, styling, and detangling human hair,…

A large branching plant with varying yellow and orange flowers.

African Marigold

A large branching plant with varying yellow and orange flowers.

A statue built on the Giza Plateau in Giza, Egypt, consisting of a lion with a human head. The Sphinx is believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians.

The Great Sphinx at Giza

A statue built on the Giza Plateau in Giza, Egypt, consisting of a lion with a human head. The Sphinx…

"The next evolution is presented in Euripides. He is less ideal than his predeccesor, but truer to nature. His drama is more of a reality. He takes his stand in the midst of human life as it is. His language is the language of the people. The heroes of his plays are more possible than those of Sophocles. They are redeemed with weaknesses, touched with folly, stained with tears. He has more variety in his action, greater freedom, more surprises and vicissitudes."—Ridpath, 1885


"The next evolution is presented in Euripides. He is less ideal than his predeccesor, but truer to nature.…

This insect is easily identified by the vaguely human skull-shaped pattern of markings on the thorax.

Death's-Head Hawkmoth

This insect is easily identified by the vaguely human skull-shaped pattern of markings on the thorax.

A dense shrub with evergreen leaves and purple flowers, and is used as an ornamental plant. Honey produced with the pollen of the flowers of this plant have been known to be poisonous to human consumption. It is commonly found in Asia.

Rhododendron Ponticum

A dense shrub with evergreen leaves and purple flowers, and is used as an ornamental plant. Honey produced…