Aster grandiflorus has large, purple flowers. One flower head grows on each stem. This variety of aster is found in North America.

Aster Grandiflorus

Aster grandiflorus has large, purple flowers. One flower head grows on each stem. This variety of aster…

The flowers of aster turbinellus are a delicate mauve color. The leaves are narrow, triangular, and pointy.

Aster Turbinellus

The flowers of aster turbinellus are a delicate mauve color. The leaves are narrow, triangular, and…

Both asters have hemispherical formed heads. The colors vary. These flowers are vigorous upright growers.

Truffaut's Peony Perfection

Both asters have hemispherical formed heads. The colors vary. These flowers are vigorous upright growers.

Victoria aster is one of the most popular varieties of aster. The flowers heads are four inches in diameter. There are ten to twenty flower heads on each plant. The shades vary.

Victoria Aster

Victoria aster is one of the most popular varieties of aster. The flowers heads are four inches in diameter.…

Astilbe japonica flowers a small and pure white. This variety of astilbe grows in Japan.

Astilbe Japonica

Astilbe japonica flowers a small and pure white. This variety of astilbe grows in Japan.

Astilbe Rivularis flowers are either yellowish-white or reddish in color. This flower grows to be three feet high. This flower grows in Nepal.

Astilbe Rivularis

Astilbe Rivularis flowers are either yellowish-white or reddish in color. This flower grows to be three…

The flowers on the astragalus monspessulans shrub are usually purplish. This species grows in south Europe.

Astragalus Monspessulanus Habit and Flower

The flowers on the astragalus monspessulans shrub are usually purplish. This species grows in south…

The flowers of the atragene alpina shrub are blue, sometimes white. There are ten to twelve petals per flower. This shrub grows in the mountainous regions of Europe.

Atragene Alpina

The flowers of the atragene alpina shrub are blue, sometimes white. There are ten to twelve petals per…

The flowers of aubrietia deltoidea are purple. There are several garden varieties, most of which are considered distinct species.

Aubrietia Deltoidea

The flowers of aubrietia deltoidea are purple. There are several garden varieties, most of which are…

Aubrietia purpurea is a distinct species of aubrietia deltoidea. Purpurea has large, purple flowers. The stems of the flower are very leafy.

Aubrietia Purpurea

Aubrietia purpurea is a distinct species of aubrietia deltoidea. Purpurea has large, purple flowers.…

The flowers of azalea balsaminaeflora are a bright, salmony red. The flowers resemble rosettes and also look like Camellia-flowered Balsam. This species grows in Japan.

Azalea Balsaminaeflora

The flowers of azalea balsaminaeflora are a bright, salmony red. The flowers resemble rosettes and also…

The flowers of azalea ledifolia are white. The flowers grow in threes at the ends of the branches. The whole shrub is very hairy.

Azalea Ledifolia

The flowers of azalea ledifolia are white. The flowers grow in threes at the ends of the branches. The…

Azara is a showy, evergreen shrub with fragrant flowers. The azara microphylla has greenish flowers and numerous small, orange berries.

Habit and Foliage of Azara Microphylla

Azara is a showy, evergreen shrub with fragrant flowers. The azara microphylla has greenish flowers…

Babiana Stricta Rubro-Cyanea is a bulbous plant found in South Africa. The upper half of the perianth (petals and sepal) is a very brilliant blue while the lower half is a rich crimson. The contrasting colors in the same flower is a characteristic of the babiana flowers.

Babiana Stricta Rubro-Cyanea

Babiana Stricta Rubro-Cyanea is a bulbous plant found in South Africa. The upper half of the perianth…

Barnadesia is a deciduous shrub; it sheds its leaves annually. Barnadesia rosea has solitary, rose colored flowers. This shrub is native to South America.

Barnadesia Rosea

Barnadesia is a deciduous shrub; it sheds its leaves annually. Barnadesia rosea has solitary, rose colored…

Bartonia aurea flowers are bright yellow with five petals. This flower grows up to one foot tall. Two or three flowers grow together on each stem.

Flower of Bartonia Aurea

Bartonia aurea flowers are bright yellow with five petals. This flower grows up to one foot tall. Two…

Faba vulgaris is commonly known as broad bean.  It is also known as the fava bean. The flowers are white with a black spot and have five petals

Broad Bean Plant in Flower

Faba vulgaris is commonly known as broad bean. It is also known as the fava bean. The flowers are white…

Begonia davisii has bright red flowers. Six flowers spread together from a common center. The leaves are green and slightly hairy with a red underside.

Begonia Davisii

Begonia davisii has bright red flowers. Six flowers spread together from a common center. The leaves…

The flowers of begonia heracieifolia are rose colered. The leaves are on long, hairy stalks. The leave a large, palm shaped, hairy, and they are a bronzy green color.

Begonia Heracleifolia

The flowers of begonia heracieifolia are rose colered. The leaves are on long, hairy stalks. The leave…

Begonia maculate is a spotted, woody shrub. The under side of the leaves are bright crimson, the upper side is green with numerous round spots of silvery white. The flowers range in color from white to coral-red. The capsule has one long, narrow wing.

Habit, Capsule, and Flower of Begonia Maculata

Begonia maculate is a spotted, woody shrub. The under side of the leaves are bright crimson, the upper…

The stem of the begonia manicata shrub is fleshy, twisted, and short. The leaves are smooth with fleshy, scale-like hairs on the underside. The flowers are pink with two petals.

Begonia Manicata

The stem of the begonia manicata shrub is fleshy, twisted, and short. The leaves are smooth with fleshy,…

The begonia rex is stemless. The leafstalk is round, red, and is bristly. The leavs are large, blistered in appearance, and are a dark olive color. The flowers are a pale rose color.

Begonia Rex

The begonia rex is stemless. The leafstalk is round, red, and is bristly. The leavs are large, blistered…

Begonia semperflorens frau maria brandt is a dwarf, compact variety of begonia semperflorens. The flowers are rose tinted. The stem is fleshy, smooth, and a reddish-green color.

Begonia Semperflorens Frau Maria Brandt

Begonia semperflorens frau maria brandt is a dwarf, compact variety of begonia semperflorens. The flowers…

Begonia admiration is a single-flowered variety. The flowers are a vivid, orange-scarlet color. Begonia admiration has a dwarf, compact habit and is free flowering.

Flowering Branch of Begonia Admiration

Begonia admiration is a single-flowered variety. The flowers are a vivid, orange-scarlet color. Begonia…

Begonia Queen of Whites has large, pure white flowers.

Begonia Queen of Whites

Begonia Queen of Whites has large, pure white flowers.

Bellis perennis prolifera is commonly known as Hens and Chickens Daisy. This daisy is produces new flowers by budding. This daisy is known to be more quaint than pretty.

Hens and Chickens Daisy (Bellis Perennis Prolifera)

Bellis perennis prolifera is commonly known as Hens and Chickens Daisy. This daisy is produces new flowers…

Bellis rotundifolia coerculescens is a round leaved, bluish daisy. The flowers range in color from white to pale blue.

Bellis Rotundifolia Coerculescens

Bellis rotundifolia coerculescens is a round leaved, bluish daisy. The flowers range in color from white…

Bellium bellidioides is a daisy-like flower. The flowers are white and solitary. This flower blooms between June and September.

Bellium Bellidioides

Bellium bellidioides is a daisy-like flower. The flowers are white and solitary. This flower blooms…

Berberidopsis corallina is a hardy, evergreen shrub. The flowers are crimson with a leafy base. This shrub greatly resembles barberry.

Berberidopsis Corallina

Berberidopsis corallina is a hardy, evergreen shrub. The flowers are crimson with a leafy base. This…

The common name of berberis is barberry. The nepalensis variety has yellow flowers that grow together along slender, elongated racemes.

Berberis Nepalensis

The common name of berberis is barberry. The nepalensis variety has yellow flowers that grow together…

The flowers of berberis wallichiana grow on drooping stalks with six to eight flowers in each cluster. This shrub grows between six and ten feet tall.

Berberis Wallichiana

The flowers of berberis wallichiana grow on drooping stalks with six to eight flowers in each cluster.…

Beschorneria bracteata has yellowish-red flowers. The leaves form a dense rosette. This plant is native to Mexico.

Beschorneria Bracteata

Beschorneria bracteata has yellowish-red flowers. The leaves form a dense rosette. This plant is native…

The flowers of bignonia magnifica range in color from a delicate mauve to a rich purplish-crimson. The throat is a light primrose color. The flowers are large, three and half inches across.

Branch and Flowers of Bignonia Magnifica

The flowers of bignonia magnifica range in color from a delicate mauve to a rich purplish-crimson. The…

Apple Berry is the common name of billardiera. The longiflora variety has greenish-yellow flowers that often change to purple. The berries are blue. The fruit is edible.

Fruiting Branch of Billardiera Longiflora

Apple Berry is the common name of billardiera. The longiflora variety has greenish-yellow flowers that…

Billbergia nutans flowers have reddish sepals and yellowish-green petals, both with a blue margin. The flowers are along a nodding, slender, leafless stalk with rosy leaves.

Flowers of Billbergia Ntans

Billbergia nutans flowers have reddish sepals and yellowish-green petals, both with a blue margin. The…

Bixa, also known as Annatto or Arnatto, is an evergreen tree. The orellana variety has pale, peach colored flowers. Annatto, or arnatto, is a dye made from the red pulp.

Flowering Branch of Bixa Orellana

Bixa, also known as Annatto or Arnatto, is an evergreen tree. The orellana variety has pale, peach colored…

The flowers of blandfordia flammea princeps are tube shaped. The are a rich orange-red color on the outside and bright yellow inside. This plant is native to Australia.

Blandfordia Flammea Princeps

The flowers of blandfordia flammea princeps are tube shaped. The are a rich orange-red color on the…

Blumenbachia chuquitensis flowers have red petals and yellow insides. There are ten petals per flower. Each flower grows alone on a stem.

Blumenbachia Chuquitensis

Blumenbachia chuquitensis flowers have red petals and yellow insides. There are ten petals per flower.…

The flowers of blumenbachia coronata are crown shaped. The flowers are a pure, glossy white.

Flower of Blumenbachia Coronata

The flowers of blumenbachia coronata are crown shaped. The flowers are a pure, glossy white.

The bocconia cordata shrub has numerous, tan flowers. The stems grow close together, set thickly with leaves. The leaves are large, roundish, and deeply veined.

Habit and Flower of Bocconia Cordata

The bocconia cordata shrub has numerous, tan flowers. The stems grow close together, set thickly with…

The flowers of bomarea carderi are bell shaped and have six segments. The outer three segments are rose colored. The inner three are equal in length and spotted with purplish brown.

Flowers of Bomarea Carderi

The flowers of bomarea carderi are bell shaped and have six segments. The outer three segments are rose…

The common name of borago officinalis is common borage. The flowers are blue, purple, or white. The flowers bloom June through September.

Borago Officinalis

The common name of borago officinalis is common borage. The flowers are blue, purple, or white. The…

The flowers of boronia megastigma are maroon purple on the outside and yellow on the inside. This shrub grows one foot high. This shrub can be found in southwestern Australia.

Flowering Branches of Boronia Megastigma

The flowers of boronia megastigma are maroon purple on the outside and yellow on the inside. This shrub…

Boucerosia europaea has numerous flowers. The flowers are purple-brown or yellow. This flower blooms in the summer.

Boucerosia Europaea

Boucerosia europaea has numerous flowers. The flowers are purple-brown or yellow. This flower blooms…

Bouvardia is an evergreen shrub. There are three flowers per stem and leaves sit opposite each other. There are many varieties of bouvardia.

Flowering Branch of Bouvardia

Bouvardia is an evergreen shrub. There are three flowers per stem and leaves sit opposite each other.…

Bouvardia leinatha has smooth, red flowers. This shrub grows to two feet in height. The flowers bloom July to November.

Bouvardia Leiantha

Bouvardia leinatha has smooth, red flowers. This shrub grows to two feet in height. The flowers bloom…

Bouvardia Alfred Neuner flowers are white or slightly tinged with rose. Bouvardia Alfred Neuner is a garden hybrid.

Bouvardia Alfred Neuner

Bouvardia Alfred Neuner flowers are white or slightly tinged with rose. Bouvardia Alfred Neuner is a…

Bowiea volubilis has few flowers. The flowers grow on small stalks. True leaves are not developed for several years. This plant blooms in October.

Habit, Flower, and Fruit of Bowiea Volubilis

Bowiea volubilis has few flowers. The flowers grow on small stalks. True leaves are not developed for…

The flowers of brachycome iberidifolia are blue or white with a dark center. The flowers bloom in the summer and autumn. This plant is similar to daisys in structure.

Habit and Flowering Branch of Brachycome Iberidifolia

The flowers of brachycome iberidifolia are blue or white with a dark center. The flowers bloom in the…

Brassia maculata flowers are large, pale yellow and spotted with brown. This flower blooms in spring and early summer.

Single Flower of Brassia Maculata

Brassia maculata flowers are large, pale yellow and spotted with brown. This flower blooms in spring…

The brexia madagascariensis tree grows to be twenty feet tall. The flowers are green. This tree is found in Madagascar.

Flowering Branch of Brexia Madagascariensis

The brexia madagascariensis tree grows to be twenty feet tall. The flowers are green. This tree is found…

Each spikelet of briza maxima has thirteen to seventeen flowers. The stem nods at the end. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Habit and Single Flower of Briza Maxima

Each spikelet of briza maxima has thirteen to seventeen flowers. The stem nods at the end. The flowers…

The common name of briza minor is Little Quaking Grass. The spikelets are triangular and seven flowered. The leaves are short, narrow, and pale green.

Habit and Small Panicle of Flowers of Briza Minor

The common name of briza minor is Little Quaking Grass. The spikelets are triangular and seven flowered.…

The flowers of brodiaea coccinea are blood red below with yellowish-green segments. The flowers are one and a half inches long and tube shaped.

Flower and Habit of Brodiaea Coccinea

The flowers of brodiaea coccinea are blood red below with yellowish-green segments. The flowers are…

Bromus grass flowers every two years. This grass grows about two feet high.

Bromus Brizaeformis

Bromus grass flowers every two years. This grass grows about two feet high.

Browallia elata flowers are deep blue. The stems have many flowers. The shrub grows one and a half feet tall.

Habit and Flower of Browallia Elata

Browallia elata flowers are deep blue. The stems have many flowers. The shrub grows one and a half feet…

The flowers of brunia nodiflora are white, round, and the size of a cherry. The shrub grows between one and three feet tall.

Flower of Brunia Nodiflora

The flowers of brunia nodiflora are white, round, and the size of a cherry. The shrub grows between…

The common name of bryonia laciniosa is bryony. The flowers are yellow and grow alone on each stem. The roots are tuberous.

Bryonia Laciniosa

The common name of bryonia laciniosa is bryony. The flowers are yellow and grow alone on each stem.…

The flowers of bulbocodium vernum are a violet-purple color with a white spot on the claw. The flowers are tubular and funnel shaped. The bulbs are black and two or three flowers grow from each bulb.

Bulbocodium Vernum

The flowers of bulbocodium vernum are a violet-purple color with a white spot on the claw. The flowers…

Burbidgea nitida flowers are a bright, orange-scarlet color. Each stem has numerous flowers. The flowers bloom in the summer.

Burbidgea Nitida

Burbidgea nitida flowers are a bright, orange-scarlet color. Each stem has numerous flowers. The flowers…