The flowers of <I>Alstroemeria pulchella</I> are dark red tipped with green and spotted inside with brown. The flowering stem is two to three feet tall with scattered leaves.

Alstroemeria Pulchella

The flowers of Alstroemeria pulchella are dark red tipped with green and spotted inside with brown.…

The common name of <I>Althaea officials</I> is marsh mallow. The flowers are blush or rose and one inch across. The root can be used for medicinal purposes.

Althaea Officinalis

The common name of Althaea officials is marsh mallow. The flowers are blush or rose and one inch across.…

Sweet alyssum is the common name of <I>Alyssum maritime</i>. The flowers grow in clusters at the end of the stems. The flowers have a honey scent. The leaves taper to the base.

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet alyssum is the common name of Alyssum maritime. The flowers grow in clusters at the end of the…

The common name of <I>Alyssum saxatile</i> is golden tuft. The numerous flowers are golden yellow. The plant grows one foot high.

Alyssum Saxatile

The common name of Alyssum saxatile is golden tuft. The numerous flowers are golden yellow. The plant…

<I>Alyssum argenteum</I> is a dwarf and dense grower. The flowers are yellow and grow in clustered heads. The flowers bloom all summer.

Alyssum Argenteum

Alyssum argenteum is a dwarf and dense grower. The flowers are yellow and grow in clustered heads. The…

The common name of <I>Amaranths caudates</I> is love-lies-bleeding. The plant is tall, about three to five feet. The flowers spikes are red, long, and slender.

Amarantus Caudatus

The common name of Amaranths caudates is love-lies-bleeding. The plant is tall, about three to five…

The <I>Amaranths gangeticus</i> plant is three feet tall or smaller, usually only one foot tall. The flowers grow in short spikes.

Amarantus Gangeticus

The Amaranths gangeticus plant is three feet tall or smaller, usually only one foot tall. The flowers…

The common name of <I>Amaryllis belladonna</I> is belladona lily. The flowers are usually rose red and fragrant. The flowers resemble the lily.

Amarylis Belladona

The common name of Amaryllis belladonna is belladona lily. The flowers are usually rose red and fragrant.…

<I>Amelanchier alnifolia</I> is a ten foot tall shrub with stout, upright branches. The flowers are rather small. The fruit is black and bloomy.

Amelanchier Alnifolia

Amelanchier alnifolia is a ten foot tall shrub with stout, upright branches. The flowers are rather…

The common names of <I>Amorphophallus riviera</I> are devil's tongue and snake palm. Pictured is the flower stem and a bit of leaf from the plant. The whole flower often measures three feet long.

Amorphophallus Rivieri

The common names of Amorphophallus riviera are devil's tongue and snake palm. Pictured is the flower…

The common names of <I>Anagalis arvensis</I> are common pimpernel and poor man's weatherglass. The flowers are scarlet varying to white. The leaves are opposite or in threes.

Anagalis Arvensis

The common names of Anagalis arvensis are common pimpernel and poor man's weatherglass. The flowers…

The dropmore variety of <I>Anchusa italica</i> grows three feet tall. The flowers are purple and grow in loose heads.

Dropmore Variety of Anchusa Italica

The dropmore variety of Anchusa italica grows three feet tall. The flowers are purple and grow in loose…

<I>Andromeda polifolia</i> grows up to two feet tall. The flowers nod on small, slender stems. The leaves are oblong and narrow.

Andromeda Polifolia

Andromeda polifolia grows up to two feet tall. The flowers nod on small, slender stems. The leaves are…

The common names of the nuttalliana variety of <I>Anemone patens</I> are wild patens and American pasque flower. The flowers appear before the root.

Nuttalliana Variety of Anemone Patens

The common names of the nuttalliana variety of Anemone patens are wild patens and American pasque flower.…

<I>Anemone coronaria</I> has tuberous roots. The flowers grow up to one foot tall from the roots

Tubers of Anemone Coronaria

Anemone coronaria has tuberous roots. The flowers grow up to one foot tall from the roots

Pictured is the semi-double flowered variety of <I>Anemone coronaria.</I> The common name is poppy-flowered anemone.

Anemone Coronaria

Pictured is the semi-double flowered variety of Anemone coronaria. The common name is poppy-flowered…

The flore-pleno variety of <I>Anemone coronaria</i> is the double flowered variety. The flowers have many colors but scarlet is the most present.

Flore-Pleno Variety of Anemone Coronaria

The flore-pleno variety of Anemone coronaria is the double flowered variety. The flowers have many colors…

<I>Anemone fulgens</i> flowers are two inches across and vivid scarlet with a black stamen. Several leaves grow beneath each flower.

Anemone Fulgens

Anemone fulgens flowers are two inches across and vivid scarlet with a black stamen. Several leaves…

The common name of anemone hortensis is broad-leaved garden anemone. The flowers are red, rosy purple, or whitish with brownish violet stamens. The stem is simple, erect, and ten inches high.

Anemone Hortensis

The common name of anemone hortensis is broad-leaved garden anemone. The flowers are red, rosy purple,…

The common name of <I>Anemone nemorosa</i> is wood anemone. The flowers are one inch across and are white or purplish. The stem is simple, nearly smooth, and three to eight inches tall.

Anemone Nemorosa

The common name of Anemone nemorosa is wood anemone. The flowers are one inch across and are white or…

The stem of <I>Anemone japonica</I> is two to three feet tall. The plant is soft and downy, with short hairs. The flowers are rosy purple or purplish red.

Anemone Japonica

The stem of Anemone japonica is two to three feet tall. The plant is soft and downy, with short hairs.…

The stems of <I>Angraecum superbum</I> are four feet or more tall. The flowers are green and spreading with a white lip. The leaves are up to two feet long.

Angraecum Superbum

The stems of Angraecum superbum are four feet or more tall. The flowers are green and spreading with…

Pictured is a semi-formal garden space of annual flowers. Annuals are plants that bloom in the open the same year the seeds are sown and that do not live over winter.

Semi-Formal Garden Space

Pictured is a semi-formal garden space of annual flowers. Annuals are plants that bloom in the open…

<I>Anoetochilus regalis</I> flowers are some of the most attractive of the anoetochilus. The leaves are oval, large, and bronze green veined with gold. The surface of the leaves have a velvety texture.

Anoectochilus Regalis

Anoetochilus regalis flowers are some of the most attractive of the anoetochilus. The leaves are oval,…

The common name of <I>Anthemis tinctoria</i> is golden marguerite. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are large, daisy like, and golden yellow.

Anthemis Tinctoria

The common name of Anthemis tinctoria is golden marguerite. The plant grows two to three feet tall.…

The common names of <I>Anthemis cotula</I> are may-weed and dog fennel. The weed grows one to two feet high. The plant is ill scented. The flowers are one inch across.

Anthemis Cotula

The common names of Anthemis cotula are may-weed and dog fennel. The weed grows one to two feet high.…

The common name of <I>Anthericum liliago</I> is St. Bernard's Lily. The stem is simple and two to three feet high. The flowers are one inch or less across.

Anthericum Liliago

The common name of Anthericum liliago is St. Bernard's Lily. The stem is simple and two to three feet…

The common name of <I>Anthericum liliago</I> is St. Bernard's Lily. Pictured is the stolon of the flower.

Stolon of Anthericum Liliago

The common name of Anthericum liliago is St. Bernard's Lily. Pictured is the stolon of the flower.

<I>Anthurium scherzerianum</I> grows one or two feet high. The flowers are slender, curled, and yellow.

Anthurium Scherzerianum

Anthurium scherzerianum grows one or two feet high. The flowers are slender, curled, and yellow.

The leaf blades of </I>Anthurium andraeanum</I> are drooping. The flower spike is three to four inches long and yellowish with a white band.

Anthurium Andraeanum

The leaf blades of Anthurium andraeanum are drooping. The flower spike is three to four inches long…

The albus variety of <I>Antigonon Leptopus</I> has flowers that are nearly or quite white. Pictured is a plant grown under glass.

Albus Variety of Antigonon Leptopus

The albus variety of Antigonon Leptopus has flowers that are nearly or quite white. Pictured is a plant…

The common name of <I>Antirrhinum orontium</I> is small snapdragon. The flowers are small and purple or white. The leaves are linear.

Antirrhinum Orontium

The common name of Antirrhinum orontium is small snapdragon. The flowers are small and purple or white.…

The common name of <I>Antirrhinum majus</I> is common or large snapdragon. The flowers are large and come in many colors ranging from red to purple to white. Pictured is a young spike of a dwarf form.

Antirrhinum Majus

The common name of Antirrhinum majus is common or large snapdragon. The flowers are large and come in…

The flowers of <I>Antirrhinum maurandioides</I> are one inch or more long. The flowers are violet or purple. Pictured is the plant in bud.

Antirrhinum Maurandioides

The flowers of Antirrhinum maurandioides are one inch or more long. The flowers are violet or purple.…

The leopoldii variety of <I>Aphelandra squarrosa</I> is showy with yellow flowers.

Leopoldii Variety of Aphelandra Squarrosa

The leopoldii variety of Aphelandra squarrosa is showy with yellow flowers.

<I>Aphyllon uniflorum</I> has white or violet flowers. Each stem has one flower and is leafless. The plant is known as cancer-root.

Aphyllon Uniflorum

Aphyllon uniflorum has white or violet flowers. Each stem has one flower and is leafless. The plant…

The common names of <I>Apios tuberosa</I> are groundnut and wild bean. The plant grows between four and eight feet tall. The flowers are fragrant and chocolate brown.

Apios Tuberosa

The common names of Apios tuberosa are groundnut and wild bean. The plant grows between four and eight…

The common names of<I>Aplectrum hyemale</I> are putty root and Adam-and-Eve. The pods are oblong and pointed. The flowers a large and greenish brown.

Fruit of Aplectrum Hyemale

The common names ofAplectrum hyemale are putty root and Adam-and-Eve. The pods are oblong and pointed.…

Pictured are the flower cluster and the leaf cluster of an apple tree.

Flower and Leaf Cluster of Apple

Pictured are the flower cluster and the leaf cluster of an apple tree.

The flowers of the apricot are pink-white. The flowers grow singly and precede the leaves.

Flowers of the Apricot

The flowers of the apricot are pink-white. The flowers grow singly and precede the leaves.

The common name of aquilegia canadensis is common columbine. The plant grows one to two feet tall. There are several flowers to a stem. The flowers are yellow tinted with red.

Aquilegia Canadensis

The common name of aquilegia canadensis is common columbine. The plant grows one to two feet tall. There…

<I>Aquilegia chrysantha</I> grows between three and four feet tall. There are many flowers on the plant. The flowers are two to three inches across and are yellow tinted with red.

Aquilegia Chrysantha

Aquilegia chrysantha grows between three and four feet tall. There are many flowers on the plant. The…

The <I>Aquilegia longissima</I> plant is tall and covered in silky hairs. The flowers are pale yellow. The leaflets are deeply lobed and cut.

Aquilegia Longissima

The Aquilegia longissima plant is tall and covered in silky hairs. The flowers are pale yellow. The…

The stem of <I>Aquilegia alpina</I> is nearly one foot tall. The plant has two to five flowers. The flowers are blue, rarely pale or white.

Aquilegia Alpina

The stem of Aquilegia alpina is nearly one foot tall. The plant has two to five flowers. The flowers…

<I>Aquilegia glandulosa</I> is one to three flowered. The flowers are large and nodding. The flowers are lilac-blue topped with creamy white.

Aquilegia Glandulosa

Aquilegia glandulosa is one to three flowered. The flowers are large and nodding. The flowers are lilac-blue…

The common name of arabis is rock-cress. The albida variety is only a few inches tall. The plant is covered in short, fine hairs. The lower leaves are narrow at the base.

Arabis Albida

The common name of arabis is rock-cress. The albida variety is only a few inches tall. The plant is…

Bear berry is the common name of <I>Arctostaphylos uva-ursi</I>. The flowers are small, white and tinged with red. The leaves are used medicinally.

Bear Berry

Bear berry is the common name of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. The flowers are small, white and tinged with…

<I>Arctotis grandis</I> forms a bushy clump between two and two and a half feet tall. The flowers are white or white and pale violet.

Arctotis Grandis

Arctotis grandis forms a bushy clump between two and two and a half feet tall. The flowers are white…

<I>Ardisia crenulata</I> has oblong, wavy margined leaves. The fruit droops is clusters. The flowers are sweet scented.

Ardisia Crenulata

Ardisia crenulata has oblong, wavy margined leaves. The fruit droops is clusters. The flowers are sweet…

<I>Arenaria grandiflora</I> grows ten inches or less high. The flowers are large and grow solitary or in twos or threes.

Arenaria Grandiflora

Arenaria grandiflora grows ten inches or less high. The flowers are large and grow solitary or in twos…

<I>Arethusa bulbosa</I> is a pretty orchid that grows between eight and ten inches tall. The flowers is a bright, rose-pink.

Arethusa Bulbosa

Arethusa bulbosa is a pretty orchid that grows between eight and ten inches tall. The flowers is a bright,…

The common name of <I>Argemone mexicana</I> is prickly poppy. The plant grow one to two feet tall. The flowers are orange or lemon colored. The plant has a moderately prickly stem.

Argemone Mexicana

The common name of Argemone mexicana is prickly poppy. The plant grow one to two feet tall. The flowers…

<I>Argemone grandiflora</I> grows one to three feet tall and has very few prickles. Three to six flowers grow together. The flowers are four inches across.

Argemone Grandiflora

Argemone grandiflora grows one to three feet tall and has very few prickles. Three to six flowers grow…

The <I>Ariocarpus lloydii</I> plant has a rounded top that is four inches or more in diameter. The flowers are purple and slightly longer than one inch.

Ariocarpus Lloyd

The Ariocarpus lloydii plant has a rounded top that is four inches or more in diameter. The flowers…

The common names of <I>Aristolochia macrophylla</I> are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine. The flowers are u-shaped and purplish. The flowers are enlarged above the ovary. The ovary is labeled "a" and the swelling of the calyx-tube is labeled "b".

Aristolochia Macrophylla

The common names of Aristolochia macrophylla are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine. The flowers are u-shaped…

Pictured is the longitudinal section of <I>Aristolochia macrophylla</I>. Shown is the ovary and the short column of stamens. The common names of the plant are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine.

Aristolochia Macrophylla

Pictured is the longitudinal section of Aristolochia macrophylla. Shown is the ovary and the short column…

The common names of <I>Aristolochia grandiflora</I> are pelican flower, goose flower, swan flower, and duck flower. The flower bud is said to resemble the body and neck of a bird.

Aristolochia Grandiflora

The common names of Aristolochia grandiflora are pelican flower, goose flower, swan flower, and duck…

The leaves of <I>Aristolochia grandiflora</I> are heart shaped. The leaves taper to a point. The common names of aristolochia grandiflora are pelican flower, swan flower, goose flower, and duck flower.

Aristolochia Grandiflora

The leaves of Aristolochia grandiflora are heart shaped. The leaves taper to a point. The common names…

The common name of <I>Armeria vulgarism</I> is common thrift. The flowers are white, pink, or red. The leaves are linear.

Armeria Vulgaris

The common name of Armeria vulgarism is common thrift. The flowers are white, pink, or red. The leaves…

The common names of <I>Arnica montana</I> are mountain tobacco and mountain snuff. The plant is a foot high with a sparsely hairy stem. The leaves are oblong and taper to a point.

Arnica Montana

The common names of Arnica montana are mountain tobacco and mountain snuff. The plant is a foot high…