Gramineae order consists of the grass family. Pictured are (1a) a part of a grass panicle, (1b) spikelet, (2) avena, (2a) portion of panicle, (2b), spikelet, (e.g.) empty glume, (fl.g.) flowering glume or lemma, (pal) palet or palea, (2c), ground plan of spikelet, (3) phleum, spikelet, and (4), phalaris, sheath and ligule.

Gramineae Order

Gramineae order consists of the grass family. Pictured are (1a) a part of a grass panicle, (1b) spikelet,…

Pictured from the cyperaceae orders are (1) scirpus, (1a) a portion of inflorescence, (1b) flower, (2) eriophorum, spikelet, (3) carex, (3a) inflorescence, and (3b) vertical section of perigynium. Pictured from the palmaceae order are (4) chamaerops, (4a) spathe and spadix, and (4b) floral diagram. Pictured from the cyclanthaceae order are (5) cyclanthus, inflorescence, and (6) carludovica, inflorescence.

Cyperaceae, Palmaceae, and Cyclanthaceae Orders

Pictured from the cyperaceae orders are (1) scirpus, (1a) a portion of inflorescence, (1b) flower, (2)…

Pictured from the araceae order are (1) arisaema, spathe and spadix, and (2) arum spadix with male and female flowers. Pictured from the lemnaceae order are (3) lemna, (3a) whole plants, and (3b) male and female flowers, and spathe. Pictured from the bromeliaceae order is (4) bromelia flower, (5) ananas, (5a) fruiting inflorescence, and (5b) floral diagram. Pictured from the commelinaceae order is (6) commelina flower and (7) tradescantia flower.

Araceae, Lemnaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Commelinaceae Orders

Pictured from the araceae order are (1) arisaema, spathe and spadix, and (2) arum spadix with male and…

Pictured is abronia umbellata. The common name of abronia is sand verbena. The umbellata variety has pink flowers that are about a half inch. The plant is native from California seacoasts to Columbia.

Abronia Umbellata

Pictured is abronia umbellata. The common name of abronia is sand verbena. The umbellata variety has…

The <i>Achillea filipendulina</i> plant grows between four and five feet tall. The flowers are yellow and grow in dense heads. The flowers bloom June to September.

Achillea Filipendulina

The Achillea filipendulina plant grows between four and five feet tall. The flowers are yellow and grow…

The leaves of <i>Agave americana</i> are smooth, gray, and lance shaped. The plant has moderately large gray prickles.

Agave Americana in Flower

The leaves of Agave americana are smooth, gray, and lance shaped. The plant has moderately large gray…

Pictured are the flower and bud of <i>Agrimonia euphoria</i>. The common name of the plant is common agrimony. The plant grows two to three feet high in little clumps from a short rootstock.

Agrimonia Eupatoria

Pictured are the flower and bud of Agrimonia euphoria. The common name of the plant is common agrimony.…

The common name of <i>Allium tricoccum</i> is common wild leek. The flowers are greenish white on a scape four to twelve inches high. This plant grows in clumps.

Allium Tricoccum

The common name of Allium tricoccum is common wild leek. The flowers are greenish white on a scape four…

The leaves of <i>Alocasia sanderiana</i> are long with deeply notched margins. The leaves are a deep, glossy green with a metallic reflection. The leaves also have prominent white margins and veins.

Alocasia Sanderiana

The leaves of Alocasia sanderiana are long with deeply notched margins. The leaves are a deep, glossy…

Pictured is a good pot plant of aloe showing the offsets. Aloe plants have a stiff, harsh, and rugged habit.

Pot Plant of Aloe

Pictured is a good pot plant of aloe showing the offsets. Aloe plants have a stiff, harsh, and rugged…

The common name of <I>Alyssum saxatile</i> is golden tuft. The numerous flowers are golden yellow. The plant grows one foot high.

Alyssum Saxatile

The common name of Alyssum saxatile is golden tuft. The numerous flowers are golden yellow. The plant…

The common name of <I>Amaranths caudates</I> is love-lies-bleeding. The plant is tall, about three to five feet. The flowers spikes are red, long, and slender.

Amarantus Caudatus

The common name of Amaranths caudates is love-lies-bleeding. The plant is tall, about three to five…

The <I>Amaranths gangeticus</i> plant is three feet tall or smaller, usually only one foot tall. The flowers grow in short spikes.

Amarantus Gangeticus

The Amaranths gangeticus plant is three feet tall or smaller, usually only one foot tall. The flowers…

The common names of <I>Amorphophallus riviera</I> are devil's tongue and snake palm. Pictured is the flower stem and a bit of leaf from the plant. The whole flower often measures three feet long.

Amorphophallus Rivieri

The common names of Amorphophallus riviera are devil's tongue and snake palm. Pictured is the flower…

The stem of <I>Anemone japonica</I> is two to three feet tall. The plant is soft and downy, with short hairs. The flowers are rosy purple or purplish red.

Anemone Japonica

The stem of Anemone japonica is two to three feet tall. The plant is soft and downy, with short hairs.…

The common name of <I>Anthemis tinctoria</i> is golden marguerite. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are large, daisy like, and golden yellow.

Anthemis Tinctoria

The common name of Anthemis tinctoria is golden marguerite. The plant grows two to three feet tall.…

The common names of <I>Anthemis cotula</I> are may-weed and dog fennel. The weed grows one to two feet high. The plant is ill scented. The flowers are one inch across.

Anthemis Cotula

The common names of Anthemis cotula are may-weed and dog fennel. The weed grows one to two feet high.…

The albus variety of <I>Antigonon Leptopus</I> has flowers that are nearly or quite white. Pictured is a plant grown under glass.

Albus Variety of Antigonon Leptopus

The albus variety of Antigonon Leptopus has flowers that are nearly or quite white. Pictured is a plant…

The flowers of <I>Antirrhinum maurandioides</I> are one inch or more long. The flowers are violet or purple. Pictured is the plant in bud.

Antirrhinum Maurandioides

The flowers of Antirrhinum maurandioides are one inch or more long. The flowers are violet or purple.…

<I>Aphyllon uniflorum</I> has white or violet flowers. Each stem has one flower and is leafless. The plant is known as cancer-root.

Aphyllon Uniflorum

Aphyllon uniflorum has white or violet flowers. Each stem has one flower and is leafless. The plant…

The common names of <I>Apios tuberosa</I> are groundnut and wild bean. The plant grows between four and eight feet tall. The flowers are fragrant and chocolate brown.

Apios Tuberosa

The common names of Apios tuberosa are groundnut and wild bean. The plant grows between four and eight…

The common name of aquilegia canadensis is common columbine. The plant grows one to two feet tall. There are several flowers to a stem. The flowers are yellow tinted with red.

Aquilegia Canadensis

The common name of aquilegia canadensis is common columbine. The plant grows one to two feet tall. There…

<I>Aquilegia chrysantha</I> grows between three and four feet tall. There are many flowers on the plant. The flowers are two to three inches across and are yellow tinted with red.

Aquilegia Chrysantha

Aquilegia chrysantha grows between three and four feet tall. There are many flowers on the plant. The…

The <I>Aquilegia longissima</I> plant is tall and covered in silky hairs. The flowers are pale yellow. The leaflets are deeply lobed and cut.

Aquilegia Longissima

The Aquilegia longissima plant is tall and covered in silky hairs. The flowers are pale yellow. The…

The stem of <I>Aquilegia alpina</I> is nearly one foot tall. The plant has two to five flowers. The flowers are blue, rarely pale or white.

Aquilegia Alpina

The stem of Aquilegia alpina is nearly one foot tall. The plant has two to five flowers. The flowers…

The common name of arabis is rock-cress. The albida variety is only a few inches tall. The plant is covered in short, fine hairs. The lower leaves are narrow at the base.

Arabis Albida

The common name of arabis is rock-cress. The albida variety is only a few inches tall. The plant is…

The common name of <I>Araucaria excelsa</I> is Norfolk Island Pine. The plant is light green and has curved, soft, sharp pointed leaves. The leaves are densely placed on drooping branchlets.

Araucaria Excelsa

The common name of Araucaria excelsa is Norfolk Island Pine. The plant is light green and has curved,…

Woolly aphis is a plant lice. Eggs are attached to twigs during the winter. In the spring soft-bodied, wingless female aphid appear and give birth to young aphids. They suck the juices from leaves or twigs.

Wooly Aphis on Alnus

Woolly aphis is a plant lice. Eggs are attached to twigs during the winter. In the spring soft-bodied,…

The common name of <I>Argemone mexicana</I> is prickly poppy. The plant grow one to two feet tall. The flowers are orange or lemon colored. The plant has a moderately prickly stem.

Argemone Mexicana

The common name of Argemone mexicana is prickly poppy. The plant grow one to two feet tall. The flowers…

The <I>Ariocarpus lloydii</I> plant has a rounded top that is four inches or more in diameter. The flowers are purple and slightly longer than one inch.

Ariocarpus Lloyd

The Ariocarpus lloydii plant has a rounded top that is four inches or more in diameter. The flowers…

Pictured is the longitudinal section of <I>Aristolochia macrophylla</I>. Shown is the ovary and the short column of stamens. The common names of the plant are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine.

Aristolochia Macrophylla

Pictured is the longitudinal section of Aristolochia macrophylla. Shown is the ovary and the short column…

The common names of <I>Arnica montana</I> are mountain tobacco and mountain snuff. The plant is a foot high with a sparsely hairy stem. The leaves are oblong and taper to a point.

Arnica Montana

The common names of Arnica montana are mountain tobacco and mountain snuff. The plant is a foot high…

The common names of <I>Artemisia stelleriana</I> are old woman, dusty miller, and beach wormwood. The plant grows two feet tall and has a woody, creeping base.

Artemisia Stelleriana

The common names of Artemisia stelleriana are old woman, dusty miller, and beach wormwood. The plant…

The common name of <I>Artemisia pontica</I> is Roman wormwood. The plant is shrubby and erect, growing between one and four feet tall. The flower heads are small and whitish yellow.

Artemisia Pontica

The common name of Artemisia pontica is Roman wormwood. The plant is shrubby and erect, growing between…

<I>Artemisia lactiflora</I> is a white flowered form of mugwort. It is a beautiful plant with fragrant foliage.

Artemisia Lactiflora

Artemisia lactiflora is a white flowered form of mugwort. It is a beautiful plant with fragrant foliage.

Globe artichokes is grown for its edible flower heads. It is a strong, thistle-like plant.

Globe Artichoke

Globe artichokes is grown for its edible flower heads. It is a strong, thistle-like plant.

The common names of <I>Arum maculatum</I> are lords-and-ladies, cuckoo-pint, and wake robin. The plant usually grows about one foot tall. The leaves are black spotted and triangular.

Arum Maculatum

The common names of Arum maculatum are lords-and-ladies, cuckoo-pint, and wake robin. The plant usually…

The common name of <I>Asclepias tuberosa</I> is butterfly weed. It is also known as pleurisy root. The plant grows two to three feet tall. The leaves alternate and the roots are long and horizontal.

Asclepias Tuberosa

The common name of Asclepias tuberosa is butterfly weed. It is also known as pleurisy root. The plant…

The common name of <I>Ascyrum hypericoides</I> is St. Andrew's cross. The plant is branchy and grows a foot or less tall. The flowers are bright yellow.

Ascyrum Hypericoides

The common name of Ascyrum hypericoides is St. Andrew's cross. The plant is branchy and grows a foot…

The tenuissimus variety of <I>Asparagus plumosus</I> is a wiry stemmed variety with fewer leaf-like branches. The plant has a distinct blue-green color.

Tenuissimus Variety of Asparagus Plumosus

The tenuissimus variety of Asparagus plumosus is a wiry stemmed variety with fewer leaf-like branches.…

The flowers of <I>Asparagus sprengeri</I> are whitish pink, fragrant, and appear in May and June. The plant grows six feet or less tall.

Asparagus Sprengeri

The flowers of Asparagus sprengeri are whitish pink, fragrant, and appear in May and June. The plant…

The common name of <I>Asperula odorata</I> is sweet woodruff. The plant grows between six and eight inches tall. The leaves usually grow in whorls of eight.

Asperula Odorata

The common name of Asperula odorata is sweet woodruff. The plant grows between six and eight inches…

The common name of <I>Aster novae-angliae</I> is New England aster. The plant grows between three and five feet tall. The flowers are violet-purple, numerous, and showy.

Aster Novae-Angliae

The common name of Aster novae-angliae is New England aster. The plant grows between three and five…

<I>Astragalus adsurgens</I> is a small plant with fifteen to twenty five leaflets. The flowers are purplish and about one inch long.

Astragalus Adsurgens

Astragalus adsurgens is a small plant with fifteen to twenty five leaflets. The flowers are purplish…

Atropa belladonna is known as deadly nightshade. The plant is erect, branching, and leafy. The leaves are oval and pointed. The flowers grow single or in pairs.

Atropa Belladonna

Atropa belladonna is known as deadly nightshade. The plant is erect, branching, and leafy. The leaves…

The flowers of <I>Aubrietia deltoidea</I> are violet or purple. The plant grows two to twelve inches tall.

Aubrietia Deltoidea

The flowers of Aubrietia deltoidea are violet or purple. The plant grows two to twelve inches tall.

Pictured is a hardy chrysanthemum. It is one the best of the autumn blooming herbaceous plants.

Hardy Chrysanthemum

Pictured is a hardy chrysanthemum. It is one the best of the autumn blooming herbaceous plants.

Pictured is a banana plant bearing fruit. This particular plant is a bearing stalk as grown in southern California.

Bearing Banana Plant

Pictured is a banana plant bearing fruit. This particular plant is a bearing stalk as grown in southern…

Illustrated is a bank after planting. On low banks, where soil may be thoroughly prepared and well cared for, turf or any vigorous plant can be established.

Bank After Planting

Illustrated is a bank after planting. On low banks, where soil may be thoroughly prepared and well cared…

The common names of <I>Barbarea vulgaris</I> are common winter cress, upland cress, and yellow rocket. The plant grows ten to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are small, yellow, and clustered.

Barbarea Vulgaris

The common names of Barbarea vulgaris are common winter cress, upland cress, and yellow rocket. The…

Basket plants are plants which, from their habit of growth and blooming, have been found especially suitable for use in hanging baskets.

Hanging Basket

Basket plants are plants which, from their habit of growth and blooming, have been found especially…

Pictured is a rustic basket with convolvulus flowers.

Rustic Basket

Pictured is a rustic basket with convolvulus flowers.

Broad bean is the common name of vicia faba. It is an erect growing plant and produces very large, usually flat seeds.

Broad Bean

Broad bean is the common name of vicia faba. It is an erect growing plant and produces very large, usually…

The large white lima bean, the common name of phaseolus lunatus, as a long season. It is normally a tall climbing plant.

Large White Lima Bean

The large white lima bean, the common name of phaseolus lunatus, as a long season. It is normally a…

Soy bean is the common name of glycine hispida. It is a bushy, erect, hairy plant that produces small pods in clusters.

Soy Bean

Soy bean is the common name of glycine hispida. It is a bushy, erect, hairy plant that produces small…

Pictured is a plant arising from the base, or tip, of a triangular leaf cutting of begonia.

Plant Arising from Begonia

Pictured is a plant arising from the base, or tip, of a triangular leaf cutting of begonia.

The Begonia Gloire de Sceaux plant is stout, half shrubby, erect, vigorous, and compact. It will grow about eight feet tall. The flowers are large and rose colored.

Begonia Gloire de Sceaux

The Begonia Gloire de Sceaux plant is stout, half shrubby, erect, vigorous, and compact. It will grow…

Begonia corbeille de feu is also known as basket of fire. The flowers are bright, coral-red. The plant branches freely from the base.

Begonia Corbeille de Feu

Begonia corbeille de feu is also known as basket of fire. The flowers are bright, coral-red. The plant…

The flowers of <I>Begonia fuchsioides</I> droop like fuchsia and are rich scarlet. The plant grows two to three feet tall.

Begonia Fuchsioides

The flowers of Begonia fuchsioides droop like fuchsia and are rich scarlet. The plant grows two to three…

The flowers of <I>Begonia ingramii</I> are large and rose colored. It is a free flowering plant.

Begonia Ingramii

The flowers of Begonia ingramii are large and rose colored. It is a free flowering plant.