The Hortulus Animae is one of a series of woodcuts that was created by German Renaissance artist Hans Baldung Grun in 1511. It depicts Jesus, Mary and the three wise men. A woodcut is made by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block to print the design on paper.

Hortulus Animae

The Hortulus Animae is one of a series of woodcuts that was created by German Renaissance artist Hans…

The Hortulus Animae is one of a series of woodcuts that was created by German Renaissance artist Hans Baldung Grun between 1510 and1511. It depicts a soldier courting a woman by giving her a flower. A woodcut is made by carving a wooden block to the desired design, and then rolling ink over the carved block to print the design on paper.

Hortulus Animae

The Hortulus Animae is one of a series of woodcuts that was created by German Renaissance artist Hans…

The St. Peter's Basilica is located within the Vatican city in Rome, Italy. This drawing shows the architecture of the front of the church. It was built in 1626 in a Renaissance and Baroque style. The church was named after one of Jesus's twelve disciples, Simon known as Peter.

St. Peter's Basilica

The St. Peter's Basilica is located within the Vatican city in Rome, Italy. This drawing shows the architecture…

This is a drawing of the interior of the St. Peter's Basilica located in the Vatican city of Rome, Italy. The interior space of the church was designed by Giovanni Paolo Panini an Italian painter and architect. The interior space is the largest interior of any Christian church in the world.

Interior of St. Peter's Basilica

This is a drawing of the interior of the St. Peter's Basilica located in the Vatican city of Rome, Italy.…

The Turgot Pavilion is part of the Louvre Palace which is located along the Seine river in Paris, France. The Turgot pavilion was built in the New Louvre section, the northern limb of the palace.

The Turgot Pavilion

The Turgot Pavilion is part of the Louvre Palace which is located along the Seine river in Paris, France.…

"In Dresden, owing to the method of instruction in the technical schools, as well as to the influence of the buildings, as, for instance, those by Zwinger, and the new theatre by Semper, the Renaissance style is the one preferred by the architects who have been there educated."The Semperoper is the opera house of the Saxon State Opera Dresden (German: Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden) and the concert hall of the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden in Dresden, Germany. It was first built in 1841, by architect Gottfried Semper.The building style itself is debated among many, as it has features that appear in the Early Renaissance style, Baroque and even features Corinthian style pillars typical of classical Greece (classical revival). Perhaps the most suitable label for this style would be Eclecticism; where influences from many styles are used- a practice most common during this period.It had to be rebuilt after a fire destroyed it in 1869. The citizenry demanded that Gottfried Semper do the reconstruction, even though he was in exile at the time because of his activities in the May Uprising in Dresden in 1849. So the architect had his son Manfred Semper complete the second opera house with his father's plans. This second one was constructed in Neo-Renaissance style in 1878. During construction, performances were held at the Gewerbehausall, which opened in 1870.The building is considered to be a prime example of "Dresden-Baroque" architecture. It is situated on the Theater Square in central Dresden on the bank of the Elbe River. On top of the portal there is a Panther quadriga with a statue of Dionysos. The interior was created by such famous architects of the time as Johannes Schilling. Monuments on the portal depict famous artists such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller, William Shakespeare, Sophocles, Molière and Euripides. The building also features work by Ernst Rietschel and Ernst Julius Hähnel.In the pre-war years, the building premiered many of the works of Richard Strauss.During the last weeks of World War II in 1945 the building was destroyed again - this time by Allied bombing and the subsequent fire storms. Exactly 40 years later, on February 13, 1985 the opera was rebuilt almost the same as it was before the war. It reopened with the same opera that was performed last before the destruction in 1945: Weber's Der Freischütz.During the flood of the Elbe in 2002 the building suffered heavy water damage. With substantial help from around the world, it reopened in December 2002.Today, most operas are accompanied by the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden.

Theatre at Dresden

"In Dresden, owing to the method of instruction in the technical schools, as well as to the influence…

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward the Italian Renaissance . The new Opera-House, built by Van der Nüll and Siccardsburg, forms an exception to this rule, the design and forms of which were copied from the Early French Renaissance, with its narrow moulding and flat elliptical arches. On the other hand, the models of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries are chosen for churches built in the Gothic style. In its richest phase this is seen in the memorial church, built by Ferstel; and in its poorest aspect, and divested of all the ornamental details necessary to produce a good effect, in the Lazaristen Kirche, built by Schmidt, one of the most important representatives of the Gothic style, and at the same time an advocate in word and deed for its reintroduction."The Votivkirche in Vienna, Austria, is one of the most important neo-Gothic religious architectural sites in the world.

Vienna, Memorial Church

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward…

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward the Italian Renaissance . The new Opera-House, built by Van der Nüll and Siccardsburg, forms an exception to this rule, the design and forms of which were copied from the Early French Renaissance, with its narrow moulding and flat elliptical arches. On the other hand, the models of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries are chosen for churches built in the Gothic style. In its richest phase this is seen in the memorial church, built by Ferstel; and in its poorest aspect, and divested of all the ornamental details necessary to produce a good effect, in the Lazaristen Kirche, built by Schmidt, one of the most important representatives of the Gothic style, and at the same time an advocate in word and deed for its reintroduction."The Lazaristenkirche is a Roman Catholic church building in the 7th district of Vienna, Neubau.

Lazarist Church at Vienna

"In this city many individual tendencies are perceptible, but the predominant inclination is toward…

"In England, as in Germany, architectural activity has assumed various phases in modern times. With few exceptions, the numerous newly-constructed churches are built in the Gothic style of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; whilst public secular buildings, for which a certain simplicity is appropriate, such as school and university buildings, asylums, &c., as well as large country-houses, are either constructed in the Pointed or in the Late Gothic, or so-called Perpendicular or Tudor style, with flat-arched, curved, or even horizontal heads to the openings. Other public buildings, as, for instance, the Houses of Parliament, which is the most important modern building in London, are carried out in this style. The Renaissance style has recently been frequently employed, especially for dwelling-houses."The Palace of Westminster, also known as the Houses of Parliament, is a complex of buildings in London. It is the seat of the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (the House of Lords and the House of Commons). The palace lies on the north bank of the River Thames in the London borough of the City of Westminster, close to the government buildings of Whitehall.

New Houses of Parliament, London

"In England, as in Germany, architectural activity has assumed various phases in modern times. With…

"On the other hand large country seats are usually either midæval castles in the Tudor Perpendicular style [shown here], or else display that heavy Renaissance style which is peculiar to England, and called the Elizabethan, sometimes with an admixture of the Tudor style. In some instances, they follow that development of Italian Renaissance known in England as Palladian."

Baltimore Castle

"On the other hand large country seats are usually either midæval castles in the Tudor Perpendicular…

"It is especially this vitiated taste in form and details which characterized the Elizabethan Renaissance. The unusual Roccoco Renaissance forms also occur in it, as for instance, the quadrant-shaped gables curving alternately inwards and outwards, as also pilasters and columns intersected by quoins and bands; and various grotesque and debased forms. Enriched quoins are also freely used at angles and jambs. [This image] may serve as a specimen of the detail of the Elizabethan style."

Corner of a Fire-Place in the Elizabeth Gallery at Windsor Castle

"It is especially this vitiated taste in form and details which characterized the Elizabethan Renaissance.…

A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to a inked surface resting upon a medium, which transfers an image. During the Renaissance era, printing methods based on Gutenbergs printing press spread rapidly throughout Europe first.

Printing Press

A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to a inked surface resting upon a medium,…

"This huge building, for the use of the law courts of Brussels, was erected during the years 1866-1883, at a cost of $12,000,000. The architectural style combines Assyrian and Renaissance features."—Webster, 1920

Palais de Justice, Brussels

"This huge building, for the use of the law courts of Brussels, was erected during the years 1866-1883,…

The method of printing books during the Renaissance period.

The Printing of Books

The method of printing books during the Renaissance period.

"Showing the influence of ancient classical art upon the art of the Renaissance."—Myers, 1905

Tomb at Tours of the Children of Charles VIII

"Showing the influence of ancient classical art upon the art of the Renaissance."—Myers, 1905

An early Italian Renaissance painter.

Fra Angelico

An early Italian Renaissance painter.

A famous Italian artist, mathematician, and engineer.

Leonardo da Vinci

A famous Italian artist, mathematician, and engineer.

In heraldry, the griffin is a fabulous animal, with the head and forefeet of an eagle, and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion. The head is represented with pricked ears, symbolical of its vigilance. In mythology, the griffin was a creature similar in form to the griffin of heraldry, which was supposed to find its especial function in watching over hidden treasure, especially in Scythia. It was dedicated to the sun-god Apollo, whose chariot appears in early art as drawn by griffins. It was a favorite ornamental 'theme' in ancient Babylonian and Persian art, and is also found in a similar way on art objects of the Phoenicians, the Mycenæan civilization, and the ancient Greeks. The Romans and art-workers of the renaissance used it as a purely decorative device.


In heraldry, the griffin is a fabulous animal, with the head and forefeet of an eagle, and the body,…

A side portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536). Erasmus was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, social critic, teacher, and theologian.

Desiderius Erasmus

A side portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536). Erasmus was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic…

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475 – 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of the High Renaissance.

Michelangelo Profile Portrait

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475 – 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo was an Italian…

Sebastiano del Piombo (c. 1485 –  1547) was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance and early Mannerist periods famous for his combination of the colors of the Venetian school and the monumental forms of the Roman school.

Fra Sebastiano

Sebastiano del Piombo (c. 1485 – 1547) was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance and early Mannerist…

A late Renaissance church located in the Vatican in Rome, Italy. By Catholic Tradition, the Basilica is the burial site of its namesake St. Peter, one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and, also according to tradition, the first Pope and Bishop of Rome.

St. Peter's Basilica

A late Renaissance church located in the Vatican in Rome, Italy. By Catholic Tradition, the Basilica…

Façade of St. Peter's Basilica, located in Rome. By Catholic Tradition, the Basilica is the burial site of its namesake St. Peter, one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and, also according to tradition, the first Pope and Bishop of Rome.

Façade of St. Peter's Basilica

Façade of St. Peter's Basilica, located in Rome. By Catholic Tradition, the Basilica is the burial…

Interior of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. At the far end of the nave can be seen Bernini's baldacchino.

Interior of St. Peter's Basilica

Interior of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. At the far end of the nave can be seen Bernini's baldacchino.

The Royal Château de Blois (French: "Château Royal de Blois") is located in the Loir-et-Cher département in the Loire Valley, in France, in the center of the city of Blois. The residence of several French kings, it is also the place where Joan of Arc went in 1429 to be blessed by the Archbishop of Reims before departing with her army to drive the English from Orléans.

Chateau of Blois

The Royal Château de Blois (French: "Château Royal de Blois") is located in the Loir-et-Cher département…

The Chateau of Chenonceaux is a castle in the small village of Chenonceaux in the Loire Valley, France. It was built around the 11th century and the current manor was designed by French Renaissance Architect Philibert Delorme. The castle was inhabited by many French Kings.

Chateau of Chenonceaux

The Chateau of Chenonceaux is a castle in the small village of Chenonceaux in the Loire Valley, France.…

The Chateau of Chambord is located in the commune of Chambord in the Loire Valley, France. The castle is famous for its French Renaissance architecture that blends French Medieval with classical Italian styles. It was constructed by King Francois I, and is the largest castle in Loire Valley.

Chateau of Chambord

The Chateau of Chambord is located in the commune of Chambord in the Loire Valley, France. The castle…

Located about 55 kilometers from Paris, it is one of the largest French royal chateaus.  Pictured is the Porte Doree, its southern entrance. The Chateau Fontainebleau is the largest royal castle in France. The palace was designed by numerous French monarchs, one of them being King Francis I during the 16th century. The palace is designed in an Italian Mannerist style which later became known as the "Fontainebleau style" during the 16th century.

Chateau of Fontainebleau

Located about 55 kilometers from Paris, it is one of the largest French royal chateaus. Pictured is…

The Richelieu Pavilion (a pavilion located on the inside "court") of the Louvre Palace. The Richelieu Pavilion of the Louvre was named after King Louis XIII first chief minister, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu. It is part of the Louvre Palace which is located along the Seine river in Paris, France. The Richelieu pavilion is located at the northern limb of the New Louvre.

The Richelieu Pavilion of the Louvre

The Richelieu Pavilion (a pavilion located on the inside "court") of the Louvre Palace. The Richelieu…

Located in the New Louvre, the name given to the wings and pavilions extending from the main body. The Turgot Pavilion is part of the Louvre Palace which is located along the Seine river in Paris, France. The Turgot pavilion was built in the New Louvre section, the northern limb of the palace.

Turgot Pavilion of the New Louvre

Located in the New Louvre, the name given to the wings and pavilions extending from the main body. The…

The Guildhall is located in London, England. It was used as a town hall for hundreds of years, and is still being used as the ceremonial and administrative center of the City of London. This shows the interior of the Guildhall which is designed with pointed arches.

Guild Hall

The Guildhall is located in London, England. It was used as a town hall for hundreds of years, and is…