"Shell of a Bivalve Mollusk, inner surface. ad.a., depression showing the attachment of the anterior…
"Waldheimia flavescens. Interior of dorsal valve. c, c', cardial process; b', hinge-plate; s, dental…
Forms of muscles and tendons. Labels: A, adductor of thigh; B, biceps of arm; D, deltoid, G, gastrocnemius;…
"Diagram showing the muscular system. M, ventral, N, dorsal valve; l, loop; V, mouth; Z, extremity of…
Muscles of the thigh. Labels: 46, gluteus maximus; 36, 35, posterior femoral; 33, sartorius; 27, 26,…
"Waldheimia flavescens. Interior of ventral valve. f, foramen; d, deltidium; t, teeth; a, adductor impressions;…