Common horse chestnut is the common name of <i>Aesculus hippocastanum</i>. The tree is large, between sixty and eighty feet tall. The flowers are white tinged with red.

Opening Foliage of Common Horse Chestnut

Common horse chestnut is the common name of Aesculus hippocastanum. The tree is large, between sixty…

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles, corresponding, in number, to the seven leaflets of the compound leaf, formerly attached at ls. The leaf is drawn to a smaller scale than the branch." -Gager, 1916

Horse-Chestnut Leaf

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles,…