"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Alcyonium Digitatum

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Alcyonium Digitatum

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order Asteroida, and consisting of a polype-mass with starlike pores and protrusive polypes." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Alcyonium Digitatum

"A genus of Zoophytes, the type of family called Alcyonide, belonging to the class anthozoa, and order…

"In the genus Alcyonium, the polypidom is of a spongy nature, and contains a multitude of minute calcareous concretions, which serve to give firmness to the fabric. When the polypes are contracted, the surface of the polypidom, which is covered with a coriaceous skin, is seen to bear numerous scattered stellate marks, which, on examination, are found to consist of eight rays correstponding with the tentacula of the polypes which are to be protruded from these spots." — Goodrich, 1859

Alcyonium elegans

"In the genus Alcyonium, the polypidom is of a spongy nature, and contains a multitude of minute calcareous…