"The telephone standard and compound forms of Fuller cell... The Fuller cell is of the double fluid cariety and has the advantage over the Grenet type, in that the zinc is always kept well amalgamated and does not require removal from the solution." -Hawkins, 1917

Fuller Cell

"The telephone standard and compound forms of Fuller cell... The Fuller cell is of the double fluid…

"Vibration of a wire. A conducting copper wire, w, is suspended by a loop from a hook of the same metal, which passes through the arm of metal or wood, as seen in the cut. The upper end of the hook terminates in the cup P, to contain mercury. The lower end of the copper wire just touched the mercury, Q, contained in a little trough about an inch long, formed in the wood on which the horseshoe magnet, M, is laid, the mercury being equally distant from the two poles. The cup, N, has a stem of wire which passes through the wood of the platform into the mercury, this end of the wire being tinned, or amalgamated, so as to form a perfect contact." —Comstock, 1850

Wire Vibration

"Vibration of a wire. A conducting copper wire, w, is suspended by a loop from a hook of the same metal,…