This illustration shows the flower and sporophylls of Angiosperms: 1, flower of Sedum with leaf-like perianth, p; microsporophylls, s; megasporophylls, c. 2, microsporophyll of the buttercup, showing four-lobed anther and filament. 3, diagram of a cross-section of anther, showing the breaking down of the tissue about the four sporangia and the beginning of the opening of the anther. 4, one of the sporangia from a young anther, as seen in cross-section-m, spore mother cells. The large cells surrounding the mother cells are nourishing cells, known as the tapetum, and disorganize as the spores mature. At the right a mother cell forming four microspores, the upper one being characterisitic of dicotyledons and the lowr of monocotyledons.


This illustration shows the flower and sporophylls of Angiosperms: 1, flower of Sedum with leaf-like…

The apple is a fruit tree of the Rosaceae family.


The apple is a fruit tree of the Rosaceae family.

This plant belongs to caryophyllaceae.

Silene Armeria

This plant belongs to caryophyllaceae.

This ornamental plant belongs to the scabiosa family.

Scabiosa Atropurpurea

This ornamental plant belongs to the scabiosa family.

The cherry is a fruit tree of the Rosaceae family.


The cherry is a fruit tree of the Rosaceae family.

Pictured is an embryo sac of angiosperm before fertilization. The three stages are represented by A, B, and C. In A the helped and antipodal cells and the embryonal vesicle are still angular and the two nuclei are wide apart. In B the embryonal vesicle is rounded and the nuclei lie close together. In C the embryonal vesicle is ready to be fertilized.

Embryo Sac of Angiosperm Before Fertilization in Three Stages

Pictured is an embryo sac of angiosperm before fertilization. The three stages are represented by A,…

This perennial is known for its white cone shaped flowers.

Shortia Galacifolia

This perennial is known for its white cone shaped flowers.

Limes grow on trees in tropical regions.


Limes grow on trees in tropical regions.

There are many types of nuts that grow on trees. They are hard to protect the growing embryo encased within.


There are many types of nuts that grow on trees. They are hard to protect the growing embryo encased…

Oak trees grow in many parts of the country.


Oak trees grow in many parts of the country.

Oak trees grow in many parts of the country.


Oak trees grow in many parts of the country.

The pear is a fruit tree of the Rosacea family.


The pear is a fruit tree of the Rosacea family.

A genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae.

Ampullaceum Saccolabium

A genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae.