Anoplotherium, an extinct hoofed mammal.


Anoplotherium, an extinct hoofed mammal.

"The <em>Anoplotherium commune</em> was of the height of the wild boar, but its form was more elongated; it had a long and thick tail, like the kangaroo; and the feet had a divided hoof, or two large toes, like those of ruminating animals." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Anoplotherium Commune

"The Anoplotherium commune was of the height of the wild boar, but its form was more elongated;…

"The <em>Anoplotherium gracile</em> was of elegant proportions, resembling in size and form the gazelle, and must have lived after the manner of the deer and antelope." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Anoplotherium Gracile

"The Anoplotherium gracile was of elegant proportions, resembling in size and form the gazelle,…