Eriosoma Tesselata was found on birch in Maryland, in clusters near the ends of twigs, in the autumn.…
A large aphis is found in clusters on the under side of limbs of hickory, oak, and basswood and walnut,…
A grape-vine leaf gall-louse. The insect forms galls on the under side of the grape-vine leaves, and…
"Aphis; a genus of small plant-sucking insects, of the family Aphididæ and order Homoptera."-Whitney,…
"Aphis; a genus of small plant-sucking insects, of the family Aphididæ and order Homoptera."-Whitney,…
Phylloxera Vastatrix, a grape-vine-root gall-louse, is by many entomologists supposed to be another…
"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach…
"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach…
"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach…
Woolly aphis is a plant lice. Eggs are attached to twigs during the winter. In the spring soft-bodied,…