"The enrollment of a mortal among the gods. The mythology of Greece contains numerous instances of the deification of mortals; but in the republican times of Greece we find few examples of such deification. The inhabitants of Amphipolis, however, offered sacrifices to Brasidas after his death. In the Greek kingdoms, which arose in the East of the dismemberment of the empire of Alexander, it appears to have been not uncommon for the successor to the throne to offer divine honours to the former sovereign. Such an apotheosis of Ptolemy, king of Egypt, is described by Theocritus in his 17th Idyl" — Smith, 1873


"The enrollment of a mortal among the gods. The mythology of Greece contains numerous instances of the…

"By a beautiful image, the mother herself, who is so deeply interested in the fortunes of her son, is to be the immediate agent in effecting his deification after death. The enrolment of a mortal among the gods was termed his <em>apotheosis.</em>" &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Apotheosis of Germanicus

"By a beautiful image, the mother herself, who is so deeply interested in the fortunes of her son, is…