An atomizer nozzle is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect. When a gas is blown through a constriction it speeds up; this reduces the pressure at the narrowest point. The reduced pressure sucks up a liquid through a narrow tube into the flow, where it boils in the low pressure, and forms thousands of small droplets.Atomizer nozzles are used for spraying perfumes, for painting and in carburetors as well as water nozzles.


An atomizer nozzle is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect.…

An atomizer nozzle is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi Effect. When a gas is blown through a constriction it speeds up, which reduces the pressure at the narrowest point.

Atomizer Nozzle

An atomizer nozzle is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi Effect.…

This oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in o a fine spray usually by forcing it under pressure through a nozzle.

Oil Burner

This oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in o a fine spray usually…

An oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in to a fine spray usually by forcing it under pressure through a nozzle.

Oil Burner

An oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in to a fine spray usually…

An atomizer is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect.

Combination Atomizer and Neblizer

An atomizer is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect.