Much like the robin, the hedge accentor prefers to live in proximity with humans.

Hedge accentor

Much like the robin, the hedge accentor prefers to live in proximity with humans.

A group of albatrosses, a family of natatores.


A group of albatrosses, a family of natatores.

Native to South America, the tricolored alectrurus measures only six inches in length.

Tricolored Alectrurus

Native to South America, the tricolored alectrurus measures only six inches in length.

Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States; also in South America as far south as Brazil.


Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States;…

A native of Brazil, Humboldt's araçarl averages approximately seventeen inches in length

Humboldt's Araçarl

A native of Brazil, Humboldt's araçarl averages approximately seventeen inches in length

Athene maculta, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative air and mysterious habits. They are found throughout the world.

Athene Maculta

Athene maculta, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative…

A scene depicting a great auk, as well as razor-bills and puffins. The great auk is now extinct.

Great auk, razor-bills, and puffins

A scene depicting a great auk, as well as razor-bills and puffins. The great auk is now extinct.

The avocet averages about eighteen inches in length, feeding on worms, aquatic insects, and thin-skinned crustacea.


The avocet averages about eighteen inches in length, feeding on worms, aquatic insects, and thin-skinned…

About three feet, nine inches in height, the balœniceps is native along the banks of the White Nile, in East Africa.


About three feet, nine inches in height, the balœniceps is native along the banks of the White…

Taking its name from the Azara people of South America, the batara is the largest of the shrikes.


Taking its name from the Azara people of South America, the batara is the largest of the shrikes.

The namaqua bee-eater, native to Western Africa. Its diet consists of insects, particularly bees and wasps, hence its namesake.

Namaqua Bee-Eater

The namaqua bee-eater, native to Western Africa. Its diet consists of insects, particularly bees and…

A bird resting on the ground, near some bones.


A bird resting on the ground, near some bones.

A frame with many different species of birds.

Bird Frame

A frame with many different species of birds.

A pair of birds of paradise, the emerald bird of paradise (above) and the superb bird of paradise (below).

Bird of Paradise

A pair of birds of paradise, the emerald bird of paradise (above) and the superb bird of paradise (below).

Measuring approximately twenty-six inches in length, the American bittern is a nocturnal hunter. It can be found throughout North America.

American Bittern

Measuring approximately twenty-six inches in length, the American bittern is a nocturnal hunter. It…

The common bittern of Europe feeds at night, primarily on frogs, lizards, small birds, and fish.

Common Bittern

The common bittern of Europe feeds at night, primarily on frogs, lizards, small birds, and fish.

A black snake attacking a nest of brown thrushes.

Black Snake and Brown Thrushes

A black snake attacking a nest of brown thrushes.

Black with a yellow bill, the blackbird feeds mostly on larvae, snails, worms, insects, and fruits.


Black with a yellow bill, the blackbird feeds mostly on larvae, snails, worms, insects, and fruits.

Also known as the red-winged oriole, the red-winged blackbird is known for gathering in immense flocks, and inflicting damage on crops.

Red-Winged Blackbird

Also known as the red-winged oriole, the red-winged blackbird is known for gathering in immense flocks,…

The bluebird feeds on a diet of insects and spiders in the summer and berries in the winter. It usually makes its nest in the hollow limb of a tree or on the rail of a fence.


The bluebird feeds on a diet of insects and spiders in the summer and berries in the winter. It usually…

Also known as the crested savacou, the boat-bill gets its name from the shape of its beak, which resembles an upturned boat. It feeds on fish, crabs, and reptiles.


Also known as the crested savacou, the boat-bill gets its name from the shape of its beak, which resembles…

The boblink ranges from Mexico to Canada, feeding on small insects.


The boblink ranges from Mexico to Canada, feeding on small insects.

A footprint of brontozoum giganeum, a now extinct relative of the cassowary. This example is eighteen inches in length, the bird was believed to weigh between four and eight hundred pounds.

Footprint of brontozoum giganteum

A footprint of brontozoum giganeum, a now extinct relative of the cassowary. This example is eighteen…

A cirl bunting, a migratory species of European bunting.

Cirl Bunting

A cirl bunting, a migratory species of European bunting.

The green-headed bunting (also known as the ortolan) perched on a branch.

Green-Headed Bunting

The green-headed bunting (also known as the ortolan) perched on a branch.

Found in India, the black-billed bustard can measure up to four and a half feet in length.

Black-Billed Bustard

Found in India, the black-billed bustard can measure up to four and a half feet in length.

Forty-five inches in length, the great bustard feeds on green wheat, grapes, trefoil, and other vegetable substances.

Great Bustard

Forty-five inches in length, the great bustard feeds on green wheat, grapes, trefoil, and other vegetable…

The little European bustard measures about seventeen inches in length, and is found predominently in Southern Europe, though it is not unknown in the northern latitudes.

Little European Bustard

The little European bustard measures about seventeen inches in length, and is found predominently in…

Feeding mostly on insects, Macqueen's bustard makes its home in the dry sandy plains of Afganistan.

Macqueen's Bustard

Feeding mostly on insects, Macqueen's bustard makes its home in the dry sandy plains of Afganistan.

Also known as the gray shrike, the great butcher-bird is known for securing its prey to thorns so that it can more easily tear it apart. It is stationary to Southern Europe.

Great Butcher-Bird

Also known as the gray shrike, the great butcher-bird is known for securing its prey to thorns so that…

"<em>B. vulgaris</em> is twenty-two inches long, the head is large and the body heavy. Above, the color is chocolate-brown; grayish-white beneath. Its flight is low, and much of its time is spent in sitting on trees, in wooded districts, awaiting its prey, which consists of small quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, insects, and earthworms." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Common Buzzard of Europe

"B. vulgaris is twenty-two inches long, the head is large and the body heavy. Above, the color…

Genus <em>Cathartes</em>, found in the Americas, sometimes as far north as New England.

Turkey Buzzard

Genus Cathartes, found in the Americas, sometimes as far north as New England.

Genus <em>Cathartes</em>, found in the Americas, sometimes as far north as New England. These buzzards are feeding on the entrails of a horse.

Turkey Buzzards

Genus Cathartes, found in the Americas, sometimes as far north as New England. These buzzards…

Found in Java and Sumatra, the green calyptomena's namesake plumage helps it blend in with foliage.

Green Calyptomena

Found in Java and Sumatra, the green calyptomena's namesake plumage helps it blend in with foliage.

Also known as the wood-grouse, the capercaille averages about three feet in length and feeds on berries and tender leaves.


Also known as the wood-grouse, the capercaille averages about three feet in length and feeds on berries…

Found on the elevated plains of Paraguay and Brazil, the cariama is about thirty inches long and feeds on lizards, insects, and molluscous animals.


Found on the elevated plains of Paraguay and Brazil, the cariama is about thirty inches long and feeds…

Noted for its voracious appetite, the flute-playing cassican has been known to eat small birds.

Flute-Playing Cassican

Noted for its voracious appetite, the flute-playing cassican has been known to eat small birds.

The cassowary is a large, flightless bird native to Australia and New Guinea. Its head and neeck have no feathers, revealing red and blue skin.


The cassowary is a large, flightless bird native to Australia and New Guinea. Its head and neeck have…

Also known as the ground-robin or ground-finch, the chewink lives in thickets along the borders of woods.


Also known as the ground-robin or ground-finch, the chewink lives in thickets along the borders of woods.

The common chickadee, found in the United States.

Common chickadee

The common chickadee, found in the United States.

Measuring twenty-six inches in height, the kulm cock is believed to have been brought from Java or Sumatra.

Kulm Rooster

Measuring twenty-six inches in height, the kulm cock is believed to have been brought from Java or Sumatra.

Also known as the red-legged crow, the chough is about sixteen inches in length, feeding on insects, berries, and grain.


Also known as the red-legged crow, the chough is about sixteen inches in length, feeding on insects,…

A pair of Chuck-Will's-Widows, which feed primarily on small insects.


A pair of Chuck-Will's-Widows, which feed primarily on small insects.

Approximately the size of pigeon, the cock of the rock has a distinctive crest of feathers arranged in two planes. It is often found on the rocky shores of streams, which it draws its namesake from.


Approximately the size of pigeon, the cock of the rock has a distinctive crest of feathers arranged…

A species of ground parakeet, found in Australia.


A species of ground parakeet, found in Australia.

Noted for its enormous bill, the black cockatoo is native to New Guinea.

Black cockatoo

Noted for its enormous bill, the black cockatoo is native to New Guinea.

The white-crested cockatoo possess a distinctive crest of feathers it can raise or lower at will.

White-crested cockatoo

The white-crested cockatoo possess a distinctive crest of feathers it can raise or lower at will.

Genus <em>condor</em>, the largest known bird of prey. On average, it is about four feet long, with a wingspan of nine feet, sometimes as great at fourteen feet.


Genus condor, the largest known bird of prey. On average, it is about four feet long, with…

Athene conneviens, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative air and mysterious habits. They are found throughout the world.

Athene conneviens

Athene conneviens, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative…

Averaging about sixteen inches in length, the common coot of Europe is found throughout Europe and Asia.

Common European coot

Averaging about sixteen inches in length, the common coot of Europe is found throughout Europe and Asia.

The black cormorant averages about three feet in length, and is found in Greenland, as well as a long the coasts of Asia, Europe, and North America. In some countries it was domesticated, and trained to fish for its masters.

Black cormorant

The black cormorant averages about three feet in length, and is found in Greenland, as well as a long…

The summer yellow-bird and the cow-bird around a nest

Cow-bird and summer yellow-bird

The summer yellow-bird and the cow-bird around a nest

A migratory bird, the cow-blackbird is notable among birds, for it does not build a nest.


A migratory bird, the cow-blackbird is notable among birds, for it does not build a nest.

The balearic crane (also known as the crowned crane) stands about four feet high, and is easily domesticable.

Balearic Crane

The balearic crane (also known as the crowned crane) stands about four feet high, and is easily domesticable.

The common crane of Europe is mostly of a blueish-ash color, feeding on worms, insects, reptiles, mollusca, and sometimes on grain.

Common European crane

The common crane of Europe is mostly of a blueish-ash color, feeding on worms, insects, reptiles, mollusca,…

Averaging about three feet in length, the numidian crane makes its home in Africa, though it has been sited in Asia and occaisionally Southern Europe.

Numidian Crane

Averaging about three feet in length, the numidian crane makes its home in Africa, though it has been…

A small, quick moving bird which feeds on insects.

Common European creeper

A small, quick moving bird which feeds on insects.

The carrion-crow of Europe has been known to feed on decaying flesh, as well as young birds, shellfish, lands and other small quadrupeds, grains, potatoes, and green walnuts.

Carrion-Crow of Europe

The carrion-crow of Europe has been known to feed on decaying flesh, as well as young birds, shellfish,…

The hooded-crow of Europe, with some farm buildings in the background.

Hooded Crow of Europe

The hooded-crow of Europe, with some farm buildings in the background.

A pair of crow-blackbirds, perched on a stalk of corn.


A pair of crow-blackbirds, perched on a stalk of corn.