"Recurvirostra. Avocets. Bell slender, more or less recurved, then the upper mandible hooked at the extreme tip; much longer than head, more or less nearly equalling tail and tarsus; flattened on top, without culminal ridge. Wings short (for a wader). Tail very short, square, less than half the wing. Legs exceedingly long and slender; tibiae long-denuded; tarsus nearly twice as long as middle toe and claw; covering of legs skinny. Feet 4-toed; the front toes full-webbed, hind toe short, free. Body remarkably depressed and feathered underneath with thick duck-like plumage; altogether, as in swimming rather than as in wading birds. Altogether, as in swimming rather than as in wading birds. It is a modification like that seen in the lobe-footed phalaropes. Sexes and young alike; winter and summer plumage different." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Recurvirostra. Avocets. Bell slender, more or less recurved, then the upper mandible hooked at the…

"Himantopus. Stilts. Bill extremely slender, but not flattened, nor turned up, nor hooked; longer than head, rather shorter than tarsus. Wing long and pointed, folding beyond the short and square tail, which is less than half the wing. Legs of unique length and slenderness, the bare part about as long as the wing; tibiae denuded for a great distance; tarsus about twice as long as toes. Feet 3-toes, semipalmate; but the species scarcely swim. Sexes similar; young different." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Himantopus. Stilts. Bill extremely slender, but not flattened, nor turned up, nor hooked; longer than…