"Griffin, from a Greek Sarcophagus. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed to be generated between the lion and the eagle, and to combine the head, front, and wings of an eagle with the body and hind quarters of a lion." -Whitney, 1911


"Griffin, from a Greek Sarcophagus. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed to be generated…

This jug is designed in a bas relief, which is a raised design.


This jug is designed in a bas relief, which is a raised design.

This jug has a design of a bouquet in a bas relief, which is a raised design.


This jug has a design of a bouquet in a bas relief, which is a raised design.

"Marcus Aurelius receiving the submission of German captives. (From a Bas-relief in the Capitoline Museum, Rome.)" -Allen, 1890

Marcus Aurelius and German Captives

"Marcus Aurelius receiving the submission of German captives. (From a Bas-relief in the Capitoline Museum,…

An ancient bas relief (low relief) sculpture of a war galley.


An ancient bas relief (low relief) sculpture of a war galley.

Bas-relief at Regensburg by Peter Vischer (1455-1529)

Bas-relief at Regensburg by Peter Vischer

Bas-relief at Regensburg by Peter Vischer (1455-1529)