The base of the brain. Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure; 2, 2, anterior lobes of cerebrum; 3, olfactory bulb; 7, optic commissure; 9, 3rd nerve, ; 11, 4th nerve; 13, 5th nerve; 14, crura cerebri, 15, 6th nerve; 16, pons Varolii; 17, 7th nerve; 19, 8th nerve; 20, medulla oblongata; 21, 9th nerve, 23, 10th nerve; 25, 11th nerve; 27, 12th nerve; 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, cerebellum.

Base of Brain

The base of the brain. Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure; 2, 2, anterior lobes of cerebrum; 3, olfactory…

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve, b, auditory nerve; VIII, pneumo-gastric nerve; VIII, a, glosso-pharyngeal, b, spinal accessory; IX, hypoglossal; c1-c7, cervical nerve root; d1-d12, dorsal nerve roots; L1-L5, lumbar nerve roots; S4-S5, 4th and 5th sacral nerves; Cocc, coccygeal nerves; B.P., brachial plexus; L.P., lumbar plexus; S.P. sacral plexus; S a, b, c, cervical sympathetic ganglia.

Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Base of Brain

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve,…