Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5, fissure Sylvius; 6, posterior lobe; 7, infundibulum; 8, its body; 9, corporo albicantia; 10, cineritious matter; 11, crura cerebri; 12, pons Varolii; 13, medulla oblongata; 14, posterior prolongation of pons; 15, middle of cerebellum; 16, anterior part of cerebellum; 17, its posterior part and fissure; 18, medulla spinalis; 19, middle fissure medulla; 20, pyramidal body; 21, retiform body; 22, olivary body; 23, olfactory nerve; 24, its bulb; 25, its external root; 26, middle root; 27, internal root; 28, 29, optic nerve; 30, third nerve; 31, fourth nerve; 32, fifth nerve; 33, sixth nerve; 34, facial nerve; 35, auditory nerve; 36, 37, 38, eighth nerve.

Base of the Brain

Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…

View of the course of the front columns of the spinal marrow terminating in the hemispheric ganglions of the brain.

Course of the Spinal Marrow

View of the course of the front columns of the spinal marrow terminating in the hemispheric ganglions…