"It is twelve to fifteen inches long, frequents rocky ground, feeds on aquatic insects, takes bait, but is not used for food." — Goodrich, 1859

Three-Bearded Rockling

"It is twelve to fifteen inches long, frequents rocky ground, feeds on aquatic insects, takes bait,…

"Azure, a rose argent, barbed, and seeded proper. BARBED. Bearded. It is also applied to roses." -Hall, 1862

Rose Barbed

"Azure, a rose argent, barbed, and seeded proper. BARBED. Bearded. It is also applied to roses." -Hall,…

One of the most common species of titmouse, the bearded tit is found in Middle Europe.

Bearded Tit

One of the most common species of titmouse, the bearded tit is found in Middle Europe.