Argent, a scarpe, purpure. The scarpe is the diminutive of the bend sinister, and is half its size. -Hall, 1862

Bend Sinister

Argent, a scarpe, purpure. The scarpe is the diminutive of the bend sinister, and is half its size.…

"Argent, a bend sinister gules. BEND SINISTER. Is the reverse of the bend; it is seldom found in coats of arms, as it is reckoned an abatement." -Hall, 1862

Bend Sinister

"Argent, a bend sinister gules. BEND SINISTER. Is the reverse of the bend; it is seldom found in coats…

Damaskeening with a floral bend sinister used in heraldry. "Damaskeening is the name given to minute decoration intended to enliven the various tinctures without interfering with the effect of the colours or altering the coat." -Whitney, 1911

Floral Bend Sinister Damaskeening

Damaskeening with a floral bend sinister used in heraldry. "Damaskeening is the name given to minute…

5 Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, a young lion roared against him. 6 And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand: but he told not his father or his mother what he had done. Judges 14:5-6 KJV

Saltier Ordinary

5 Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath:…

"Argent, a scarpe, gules. SCARPE. A diminutive of the bend sinister." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a scarpe, gules. SCARPE. A diminutive of the bend sinister." -Hall, 1862

Gules, a baton, sable, garnished, or. The baton is the fourth part of the bend, and, as before mentioned, it is a mark of illegitimacy, and seldom used in Heraldry, but by the illegitimate descendants of royalty. -Hall, 1862

Shield Showing Scarpe

Gules, a baton, sable, garnished, or. The baton is the fourth part of the bend, and, as before mentioned,…

"Gules, a bend sinister, voided, argent. VOIDED. A term applied when any part of an ordinary is left open to the field." -Hall, 1862


"Gules, a bend sinister, voided, argent. VOIDED. A term applied when any part of an ordinary is left…