The pectoral arch of a bird. Labels: sc, scapula; co, coracoid bone; f, clavicle, terminating below in the hypocleideum; gl, glenoid cavity.

Pectoral Arch of a Bird

The pectoral arch of a bird. Labels: sc, scapula; co, coracoid bone; f, clavicle, terminating below…

The pelvis of a bird. Labels: a, superior; b, lateral aspect; sm, sacrum; Il, ilium; Is, ischium; Am, acetabulum.

Pelvis of a Bird

The pelvis of a bird. Labels: a, superior; b, lateral aspect; sm, sacrum; Il, ilium; Is, ischium; Am,…

The skeleton of a bird. Labels: a, radius and ulna; b, dorsal vertebrae; c, sacrum and pelvis; g, ploughshare bone; h, tibia; i, metatarsus; d, furculum; e, carina of the sternum; f, distal phalanx of pectoral limb.

Skeleton of a Bird

The skeleton of a bird. Labels: a, radius and ulna; b, dorsal vertebrae; c, sacrum and pelvis; g, ploughshare…

The skull of a bird. Labels: a, inferior aspect, the mandible being removed; b, lateral aspect; px, premaxilla; mx, superior maxilla; p, palatine bone; v, vomer; j, jugal bone; qj, quadrato-jugal bone; lachrymal; me, median ethmoid; f, frontal; pf, post-frontal process; p, parietal; pt, pterygoid; q, os quadratum; sq, sqamosal; eu, process before the sustachian aperture; bo, basi-occipital, and so, supra-occipital bone; ar, articular; a, surangular, and d, dentary portion of the mandible.

Skull of a Bird

The skull of a bird. Labels: a, inferior aspect, the mandible being removed; b, lateral aspect; px,…

The sternum of a bird. Label: a, lateral aspect; b, inferior aspect; r, rostrum; c.p, costal process; pl.o, pleurosteon; c, carina; m.x, middle xiphoid process.

Sternum of a Bird

The sternum of a bird. Label: a, lateral aspect; b, inferior aspect; r, rostrum; c.p, costal process;…