"Casuarius (Cassowary). Feather, showing after-shaft and disconnected barbs." -Parker, 1900
"Details of Engyptila albifrons (White-fronted Dove); head and foot natural size; wing and tail reduced.
"Parts of a feather. I., Four barbs (B.) bearing anterior barbules (A.BB.) and posterior barbules (P.BB.);…
"Types of feathers. D., Down. 2, Developing feather in sheath (sh.). 3, Covert of heron showing aftershaft…
"A., Filoplume. B., very young feather within its sheath (sh.); c., the core of dermis; b., the barbs.…
"- a, head of a (Polioptila nigriceps) Black-capped Gnat-catcher. b, head of a(Polioptila caerulea)…
"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above;…
"Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tail deeply fornicate, nearly or about as long as the wings; lateral…
"Sterna forsteri. Forster's Tern. Tail 5.00 - 8.00, forked 2.50-5.00." Elliot Coues, 1884