Bone structure. Labels: a, the external, b,c, the internal table; the intermediate cellular texture, being soft and spongy, and conveying vessels and nerves from one part to another.

Bone Structure

Bone structure. Labels: a, the external, b,c, the internal table; the intermediate cellular texture,…

The above cut represents a section of the thigh bone. The extremities (a, w) having a shell or thin plate of compact texture, crowded with small cells, diminishing in size, but increasing in number as they approach the articulation (c), the cavity for containing the marrow; the walls of the shaft are very firm and solid (b, b). The compact part is thickest near the middle of the bone where the greatest strength is required.

Thigh Bone Section

The above cut represents a section of the thigh bone. The extremities (a, w) having a shell or thin…