"Addax of Eastern Africa. (A nasomaculatus)'"-Whitney, 1902
An illustration of farm animals, including two horses, three pigs, and a cow.
A clean dairy barn, with cows feeding.
A two year-old Jersey bull.
An illustration of a female cow with horns.
A shorthorn bull, a kind of beef cow.
A dairy cow, suitable for the production of milk.
A typical dual-purpose Shorthorn cow.
A Jersey cow, valued for the richness of their milk.
The Gayal (Bibos frontalis) is a large gaur in the Bovidae family of cloven-hoofed mammals.
The Angora goat is named for the region in Turkey where it is from and is known for its long coat.
The Himalayan Goral (Naemorhedus goral) is a ruminant in the Bovidae family.